Thursday, March 22, 2012


Oh yea, we set an all-time record today of 85 degrees; highest ever in March.  They said tomorrow will be 12 degrees cooler and it will still set a record.  The trees are all a flowering and the daffy dills are bloomingly beautimous and the neighbor across the street cut his grass.  We grilled burgers and I bought a flat of purple and yellow pansies.  Shorts and bare feet and loud rumbles of thunder. Windows open, people walking, and I am loving it all.  Hope you are too. 


Karin said...

Wow - and we had more snow and 25F. Our time will come but it sure never lasts too long up here! Sprummer - like that!

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

I AM!!!
We are in FULL ON spring!

Kathy said...

Sprummer, ha good one. Crazy! Grilled twice already!!