Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Fall

It happened so quickly and unexpectedly; one minute I was upright and the next second I was laying in the road.  I must have good bones because I didn't break anything but I scraped my knees up pretty bad. Remember when you had those giant scabs on your knees when you were a kid?  That's what I have now.  What happened?
We were coming back from watching a beautiful sunset with Megs and Kris and we were crossing the road because the ocean is across the street.  This is a fairly busy road and at the crosswalks you take a flag and the cars have to stop and let you cross.  I was watching to see what Meg was doing and as we started to cross, I tripped over a little curb and down I went-with my camera.  A man picked up my camera (which is still working) and Don helped me up.  Besides being embarrassed I was hurting and bleeding.  It is just one of those things. One of Donaldo's sayings is "that's why they call them accidents."  It could have been so much worse.  So I am sporting one big scab on the left knee and a smaller one on the right.  I am sure the sun and chlorine are helping to heal them. It's amazing really the defense system that God created in our bodies.  I think of that often when I look at my knee.

I feel like a kid again



Kathy said...

Ouchie! Glad we have good bones in da family.

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

That's a big boo-boo!
Goodness gracious, glad you are ok.