Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thinking About Sundays

I was thinking about Sundays in the past and realized I already wrote a blog about my childhood Sundays.  But did I write about Sundays when our children were young?  I think not.  
The Donald and I just got back from lunch and I was remembering how we took the kids out to eat when they were young.  Sometimes if I was really energetic I would have dinner ready in the oven; most often pot roast and that meant that Grandma H. was coming over with her apple pie.  Grandpa H. had died a week after Kristen was born and she lived alone. Because she lived alone and Sundays were a big deal for her.  She stayed most of the afternoon, but we didn't mind....and her apple pies were the best!  She loved to talk about all her friends and neighbors.
Otherwise if she went over to the cousin's house we stopped for lunch either at McDonald's or Wendy's.  Sometimes we got carry-out from Church's Chicken.  That was before we knew that all that kind of food was bad for you.  
After we moved here we would often stop at the local grocery store; back then it was LaRose and get hot dogs, chips, and root beer for root beer floats.  Now THAT was a Sunday dinner, ha ha!
Sometimes we went to our friend's house in Dearborn after church and have lunch or dinner with them.  We almost always went back to church at night so it made a long day of it for us.  I never liked going back to church at night.  It meant getting all dressed up again and going out right around supper time.  Sometimes we went out AFTER church at night.  There was a place called Farrell's that served great ice cream and they saw quite a lot of us on Sundays.  
Sometimes one of the kids would go to someone else's house after church or have a friend over and we would get them back at night.  It is hard to imagine going back every Sunday night.  
This has been a quiet Sunday for us; we don't meet with other people like we used to....I was thinking maybe we should. 


Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

I remember Farrells!
My Mom usually cooked dinner when I was young but when our kids were little, I joked that it was against my religion to cook on Sundays!
We still usually go out.

Kathy said...

okay mom. haha she didn't like going back to "meeting" at night either. I got to stay home with her............. :)