Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I took that broom that Capri K mentioned and chased those blues away; felt some prayers coming my way too.
I was thinking about my hair; something I think all women think about from time to time.  It's at a good place right now, which means it will need cutting in a week.  One day, I will wake up next week and it will be horribly too long.  Someone will probably mention how nice it looks on the day I am getting it cut, ha ha.  
When I was young, I had strawberry blond hair, sort of the color I choose now.  My mom kept it fairly long and she would put rags in it so it would curl in Shirley Temple ringlets which were in fashion then.  I wore it in a ponytail in the summer and my mom would curl the ponytail by wetting it and "winding" it up.  Later she would use bobby pins to curl it; two pins to each curl forming an "X."  Then she would tie this stretchy band around them.  Oh how lovely I looked.  I hated it. Ha!
The worst thing that happened to my hair was a perm; the new "Tony Home Perm."  Ugh!  It was all frizzy and curly like an old lady.  There is a horrible picture of me on the first day of school with that lovely hairstyle.  My mom often cut my bangs too short too.  Oh the things mothers do to their daughter's hair.  
In high school it was the bouffant style, curled under or...the flip.  That one did not suit my hair at all, but I did it anyway.  We went to bed at night with wire brush rollers in our hair that were held in with picks that made dents in your head; just so comfortable-NOT!!  
Through the years I have had it short, longer, really short, medium, permed, reddish, light blond and the famous Toni Tenille which my mother just loved.  
I think I like it best now just a little on the long side.  It even has a little curl to it and is light golden blond.  One thing I will never be is gray!  Don't even say never though, but I am almost sure of it.


Kathy said...

Interesting stuff. I have had people say on the day of (but b4 the cut) oh your hair is cute, did you do something different? LOL I need mine cut bad!!

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

Complaints about hait length and color keep me BUSY!
I have slept in many pincurls and spongy pink rollers in my life. My Mom was pretty good with the bang cutting. I can't recall any pictures with wonky bangs.