Saturday, December 1, 2012


I believe I left off at Grand Rapids and my dad having to go there for work.  One December, my mom, me, and my brother took the train to Grand Rapids for the weekend so we could see my dad.  I was about five years old.  I remember the train station; it was so exciting.  We stayed at a hotel and we were high enough up to see over the city.  I thought we were in a huge city like New York because there were so many lights at night.  There was a window seat and I remember sitting there coloring.  
But, the thing I remember the most was a department store called Herpolsheimer's.  There was a train that ran along the top of the walls and I remember being mesmerized by it going around and around.  The best thing though, was Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer.  When you rubbed his nose, a gift came down a shoot that you got to keep.  It was wrapped in Christmas paper and bow.  I think that is where I got the coloring book and crayons.  We went to see Santa also, but I cried and wouldn't go near him.
If you have heard of the name Herpolsheimer's, it is because it was mentioned in "Polar Express."  I read on the internet it is now a museum.  I would love to visit it someday.  
In the summer we stayed at a cottage near Grand Rapids called Gun Lake.  I had my fifth birthday there and I remember learning to tie my shoes that day.  I used to go around the lake with my dad in a fishing boat with a motor.  There is a 35mm slide somewhere with me waving from the boat.  I also remember slamming the screen door of the cottage on my fingers, and I am sure I remember the pain of that still.  

                         End Of Part 2


Kathy said...

First time I heard any of this :)

Unknown said...

You were just a gleam in your mother's eye. Maybe you and I should talk more! Ha!

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

I always think it is funny the way we remember such random things!

I have been to Gun Lake many times! My Aunt and Uncle have a cottage there, it's beautiful.