Sunday, December 9, 2012


A friend posted on Pinterest that the word "fear" is mentioned 365 times in the Bible.  That is one verse for every day of the year.  I thought I would look one up each day and write it down.  I found one for today:  "I did not receive a spirit of slavery again to fear, but I received Your Spirit of adoption by whom I cry, 'Abba, Father.'  The Spirit Himself testifies with my spirit that I am your child, Oh God."  Romans 8:15-16

Sundays were special at our house when I was young.  When I was really little, I remember that I had to wear my dress all day because we went back to church at night.  When I was older that little rule was rescinded; for which I was grateful.
Every Saturday night I remember my mom washing my hair in the kitchen sink and curling it with sponge rollers.  Then she wrapped a narrow band of stretchy material around the curlers and tied it in the front-I know cute, cute....NOT.  
But Sunday certainly was the Sabbath and a day to honor the Lord.   My dad made a rule that we couldn't watch TV on Sunday so I missed a few shows that I liked including the "Mickey Mouse Club."  When it first came on, it was on Sunday.  
We had dinner at noon; usually pot roast or some other meal you could put in the oven before church.  Sometimes we had the preacher over for dinner; now THAT was scary.  Our church did not have pastors, so we would get visiting preachers that stayed with someone in the church, but made the rounds of different families for dinner.  We were always told not to take too much food so there would be enough. 
Occasionally we got a rare treat; going to Bates Hamburgers and getting ten burgers for one dollar.  There were no McDonald's yet.
Some Sundays we went to a friend's house or had a friend over; that was always fun and something different to do. 
We played games or did crafts or homework in the afternoon and then went back to church at night.  When I was a teenager I took a nap every Sunday afternoon....after I helped with the dishes.
I am thankful that I was taught the word of God so faithfully and that I was saved at the age of eight.  I was a Sunday School teacher for the little ones at age sixteen and thus began my long career as a Sunday School teacher.  My dad made the little desks that the children sat in.  I loved being a teacher. 
When I started dating Donaldo we often went to church together at my church or his church.  I loved Sundays with him because we didn't see each other during the week. He was a college student still and lived some distance from me.  He worked on Saturday so Sundays were special.  We always went out to eat Sunday nights after church.  
Happy Sunday to you today...may it be a special day set apart for God. 


Kathy said...

Dad made those little square boxy seaty desky things?? At Scraf?

Carol said...

It's really interesting to hear your life story. I was also taught that Sundays were a day of rest. It was (and is!) a special day.

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

We always went to church again on Sunday night too and I was SO bummed that we could never watch The Wonderful World of Disney or The Wizard of Oz!!!!