Thursday, December 20, 2012

School Days 2


Wow, I get so busy; I don't have time to write.  But since I am up early, this is perfect.  I was looking for a picture I have of the "Ford Rotunda" that was popular back in the 50's.  But alas, when you want to find some thing you usually can't.  Leave it to me and Donaldo; every year we can't find a Christmas gift or two. It's really frustrating. I think secretly we blame each other...ha!   
Anyway my story left off in Mrs. Wozniak's second grade classroom.  We were going on a field trip to the Ford Rotunda. It was a round building and used for big events.  At Christmas they decorated it all with beautiful lights and decorations and we were going to go there.
We had to pick partners and I had this boy I liked (imagine! Way back in second grade).  The boy's name was Howard and he was the shy, quiet type. (I always went for that type, but didn't marry one!) 
The day of the trip, my mom wanted me to wear my leggings and I didn't want to.  I was embarrassed to wear them around my "boy friend."  But, my mom won the debate and I wore them.  
But when I got to school I took the suspenders off because I think they embarrassed me the most.  So during the bus ride to the Rotunda, I sat by Howard proudly.  We walked into the rotunda and walked around looking at the beautiful lights and decorations leggings kept falling down and.... I had to keep pulling them up; practically holding them up the whole time.  Talk about embarrassment, I could have crawled in a hole until the whole trip was over.  There I was with the nice, studious Howard walking around holding my leggings up.  I do believe it was my "first" embarrassing moment!