Saturday, December 15, 2012

School Days Part I

Generally, I liked school, but I do remember getting a "stomach ache" some days and staying home.  I don't know what that is about, but I think it is more common in girls than boys.  
My school was big-two floors and I still remember little details about it.  My favorite subjects were reading and writing....oh and science.  My least favorite was arithmetic; I just didn't "get it."  I did okay in it until I got to fifth grade-Mr. Kilgren's class and he taught fractions that year. I think I tuned him out when the subject came up and therefore I do not know too much about fractions.  
The library was my favorite classroom in the whole school with BIG tables and BIG chairs and rows and rows of books.  I remember reading all the Beverly Cleary books like "Henry Higgens" and "Bezus and Romona." 
The science room had a greenhouse and that is where I first wanted a greenhouse.  But, that dream will probably never come true now. The Donald never liked the idea.  I liked the science teacher; funny, I remember what he looked like, but don't remember his name.
My kindergarten teacher was Mrs. Weber and I have already mentioned her red shoes in a previous blog.  I had fun in kindergarten; I remember doing a lot of games, music and art.  
My first grade teacher was Mrs. Gaskin.  She was severe in looks and mannerisms and I was afraid of her.  That's probably when I had all the "stomach aches."  Every day while we said the Pledge Allegiance, she changed her shoes and put on hand lotion.  Funny, the things you remember.  
My second grade teacher was Mrs. Wozniak.  She was very nice and we did a lot of writing and illustrating in her class.  I remeber bringing in a book that my mom gave me and reading a poem out loud to the class.  I had a boyfriend in 2nd grade; his name was Howard.  There is a funny story about Howard and me.....Tomorrow.


Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

That is funny about the changing shoes and the handcream!

I remember my kindergarten teacher was Mrs. Hart and she smelled like pepper.

Kathy said...

funny about the hand lotion and shoes!