Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Since I was born on 07/07 I have always been interested in the dates that are all the same. Some people I know even try to get the time included in writing....which my sister-in-law did today. 12:12 p.m. on 12/12/12 and because she knows I like these kinds of things with the dates written on them; she sent me an email at the exact time. In 1977, my mom suggested that I get something with 07/07/77 written on it. So I got a pretty I.D. bracelet and had it engraved on the back. On 09/09/09 I got a charm with the date written on it. And for my birthday on 07/07/07 I asked everyone to get me something with the date written on it. I got a frame and some mugs and a key chain with the date on them. This is the last century we will be able to do this. Although, another sister-in-law told me to keep Jan 3, 1913 in mind because it will be 1/3/13. One year I had everyone write me an email and tell me what they were doing on 06/06/06. That was before I used face book. Today Donaldo took me out for breakfast to mark the occasion. We set up Santa's shop and wrapped this morning, now he wants to play a game of Sequence with me because I have beat him in Scrabble twice. He has a competitive spirit and doesn't like to loose...yes.....that's true; mild mannered Donaldo. I am making some ornaments later that I got off Pinterest and I will write today's date on them. What did you do today?


Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

I was not even aware that it WAS 12-12-12 until watching the news last night!!! What a cool day to have a baby!

Kathy said...

ha I never knew Donaldo was competitive...