Sunday, February 19, 2012

Picture Word Prompt: Favorite Drink


Busy day; a walk through the botanical gardens (it was very pretty this year) a swim in the pool, out to eat and a concert at night. This word prompt kind of limits my pictures and blog subject so I am going to have to work them in some how. 
My favorite drink is an Arnold Palmer made just right; 3/4 ice tea and 1/4 lemondade.  This is my favorite cup to take outside or down by the pool.  It keeps the ice from melting too fast and it is says "Life Is Good."


Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

LOVE that!!!
It's a brisk 18 degrees this morning, enjoy your balmy!

Kathy said...

Somehow it's just better in FLA too, isn't it?

Kristen said...

I have a feeling you are going to be quite tan and freckle-y when I get there! Haven't seen you on FB at all and you are two days behind on yer blog-y.... ;-)