Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Warm Welcome

The hug from Kelly said it all; "I am so glad to see you!"  It was great to sit with Christian friends and discuss the book "The Case For Faith"  by Lee Strobel.  The chapter we were discussing was on Evolution and we had a great discussion on that subject.  How precious it was to sit with Christians again and discuss, pray and fellowship.  Honey, Kelly's husband did a great job in leading and I sat back mostly and just tuned in.  Then, prayer time came and we were discussing the problems of others and praying for them.  And then Kel and Honey both thanked God that Donaldo and I were back with them and asked God to continue to heal me.  That meant so much to me. Sometimes there is a stigma with depression or maybe it is imagined because there is no outward injury that others can see.  But the heart is broken (as I drew in my journal many times.)  It was nice afterwards to gather around their kitchen island and snack and talk.  The chef had made some gluten-free brownies (a Hodgkin Mills product) and honestly they were as good as regular brownies.  I am looking forward to getting to know everyone better and I thank Kelly and Honey for their warm welcome and prayers.

Today I must dust; I must and not fuss
And clean up as I go, I must, I must (says Dr. Seuss)

The Lord is my shepherd
There is nothing I lack
He fills me and leads me
to pastures of green.
He feeds me,
keeps me,
and protects me....
I am thankful
and listen;
He is the good shepherd.


Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

Everyone was THRILLED that you and Donaldo were there!!! It was so good to SEE you both and hug your necks! We are stronger together.

Unknown said...

We are stronger together. Thanks!

Kathy said...

So very nice!

Dottie said...

Marlene, I am so happy that you are again blogging. I have missed reading your newsy blogs, your family updates, your activities and even the state of your health. I don't know when you will feel up to a cup of coffee but whenever you can I will be glad to meet you or pick you up. Continued prayers for better health and joy in your life.

Unknown said...

Soon Dottie, how about after Thanksgiving

Dottie said...

That's good for me. How about the Starbucks near 8 mile and I forgot the name of the other road? Have a wonderful Thanksgiving