Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Day After

The hair is flat, the makeup is off, the jewelry is hanging up with the dress.  But the flowers are fresh and I love them because they are the same color as the flowers in our wedding. 

 Everything was perfect...the decorations, the flowers, the cake, the 70th birthday cupcakes and balloon, the gifts which I didn't expect and the stories people told.  Even Don choked up when he gave a tribute to our marriage.  Of course that was my undoing, i cried the whole time he was speaking
 Yesterday was a day of rest and relaxation and our company is leaving this morning before we go to church.  It is supposed to be in the 90's today so I will wear a cooling dress (Carly) and chill out when we get home.
 There will be no outside work tomorrow as it will be 96.

Going back to the party, it was perfect! Every part of it.  Even the family picture taking went well.  Karen asked me what my favorite part of the night was and I said "When I walked into the room and saw how perfectly it was decorated."  It looked like the reception I never had.  A big thank you goes to my girls who planned the whole thing.  I was immensely satisfied with the entire evening.  I can't wait to see the photographer's pictures!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was the bomb!!