Tuesday, May 22, 2018


One of my most favorite spots in the garden is this little corner.  We bought the sign some years ago up north in Glen Arbor, Michigan.  The little wooden chair was given to us by our daughter Karen several years ago.  Every year this corner looks a little different and there is a different plant in the pot.
 I used this picture from awhile back because the chair doesn't have a plant in it yet.  One of the next things I'm going to do is buy a plant for the chair.
 Now we have to be careful what kind of plant we buy and what we put around it; because the deer population from the woods behind us eat many of the plants and flowers that we plant so we have to buy deer resistant plants.  Even then, in the fall they are ravenous and might eat anything.  Thus Donald gets his super duper deer repellent out that he makes with rotten eggs, chili powder, and anything else that sounds yucky.  He sprays it on the plants after it rains.  It does help for the most part.
 Also Don had to fix the chair this year.  He got some branches from the woods and used some white birch branches that he got from Kroger last Christmas.  It turned out really nice.  I will take a picture of it when I get the plant.
 When we sit in the hot tub we can see it and remember to relax in this busy world.

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