Friday, May 4, 2012

May The Fourth Be With You.....

Happy May 4th!  "Meet God in the morning stillness while the earth is fresh with the dew of His presence."

*Storms last night; it seems my sistopher near Flint got the brunt of them with 85 mph winds and a flooded street; great for her garage sale this week!

*Getting ready for our Chicago weekend...will be seeing Meg in her ice show and probably Ryan play baseball.

*Still waiting for my stomach to feel better; no wheat or sugar and taking my supplements. "Patience, my dear Watson."

*Trying to figure out what to pack, what to wear because this weather is just downright crazy. 

*Charging up our IPOD, KINDLES, PHONES and CAMERAS.  Can't forget my camera because it has a great zoom lens; all the better for taking grandkids pictures. 

*Going to the Chiro-cracker this morning

*And soon we will be on our way.  

                Isn't she the cutest "Little Mermaid?!"


Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

That she is!
Have a good visit with the Chicago contingent!

Kathy said...

LOL about charging up ALL the electronics. What a funny world we live in.
The GS did finally get under way. Even though x-ways and lots of road closures.