Sunday, May 20, 2012


Maybe I will just loan my body to science and they can find out what is wrong with me.  Nice way to spend Sunday morning-in the Emergency Room.  I've said it before; I have to be in a lot of pain to go to the ER.  After x-rays, blood work, and some stomach soothing drugs, I finally resorted to morphine which helped the pain.  The blood work was fine the x-rays showed all kinds of gas.  It seems that when they did the procedure on Thursday they put gas in to move your other organs out of the way-just what my poor tummy needed!!! NOT! I have been suffering for 3 days with the gas pains. 
 Finally, at 2:00 I felt better and they sent me home. I have no words of wisdom, or nothing "from the heart."  I am, to put it bluntly, very discouraged.  I am going back to eating wheat-and whatever else I feel like.  They did remind me as I was leaving the ER to not forget my Thursday appointment for my MRI.  How could I?  U of M and I are getting to know each other quite well.  And Don has been the epitome of patience and kindness because we are in this together and I couldn't do this without him. 

1 comment:

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

So that's where you were!
Still praying for an answer.
Donaldo is a big old hunk of honey!!!!