Sunday, March 24, 2013


The Donald and I are sick with some kind of flu virus-nasty! I have a fever, head cold, cough, you, know the whole deal. Donaldo is a little less sick than me. So we have been hunkering down for the last three days trying to fight this thing. Our weapons are:

plenty of Kleenex
A bag to put them in
A netti pot to use three times a day
Vicks vapo rub
Thermometer-I am especially fond of this one so I can see how high my temp goes ha!  I think my mom took my temperature all the time when I was sick (I gotta blame this one someone)
A great series we are reading by Joel Rosenberg.
Vaseline for my raw nose
Tylenol and Motrin
Homemade chicken soup
DVR'd tv shows like the third season of Downton Abbey (sh.......don't tell the rest of the story) and Shark Tank
Lysol wipes-what for I don't know. We are both sick
A soothing drink of honey, ginger, lemon, and whiskey. The more whiskey, the better.  I didn't cough all night! Ha!
Oh...and my iPad.

Wish I were still there!!!!!

Stay well and have a lovely Sunday


Kristen said...

Sounds like a good arsenal! Hope it gets better soon !

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

May I highly recommend Puff's Plus for the raw nose? Like magic!
Feel better soon.

Kathy said...
