Thursday, March 21, 2013

Coming Home....

is so hard to do...!  
After a kind of rough drive home; there is unpacking.  And unpacking for a month takes a whole week or more.  Everything is wrinkled and you have to wash it or throw it in the dryer or iron; did I say IRON?  No no no, not unless absolutely necessary.  And the weather here?  It is pretty hard to take for EVERYONE and especially for those who come home from green and beautiful Florida.  
Lest I sound like I am whining...I am just explaining why it's been so long since I have blogged.  I have lots of pictures to download and I just got an email from Shutterfly for a free book.  
I have some kind of sinus infection or cold and the Donald seems to be coming down with it.  Joy Boy and his mom are sick and we had him over Tuesday and Wednesday to help out.  
I never feel like a blog is complete if you don't have pictures to go with the blog, so hang on, the pictures are coming. 
Now, I promise myself I will finish unpacking so I can get back to my life.