Thursday, June 14, 2012

Garbage Day

If you want to know what your neighbors are buying and consuming just take an early morning walk before the garbage men come.  This morning I saw lots of pizza boxes; even frozen pizza boxes.  One house had about 25 water bottles along with several bottles of 2 liter sprite.  Wow and that laundry detergent....I wonder if that is better than what I use?  I'll bet that one family eats a lot of popcorn.  And why would the neighbors across the street buy such a large quantity of tea bags...I am talking maybe Costco size here.  Of course there are the families with babies and empty diaper boxes.  And hmm...what kind of wine is that?  I was afraid to get much closer. Some people did some home improvement projects or got something new for the house.  And some things are truly unrecognizable.  And then there is our orange box filled to the brim with all kinds of stuff.  That big jar that had mixed nuts from Costco in it.  A used box of lo-cal ice cream bars, Costco milk cartons, Rice milk carton, and many other things.  It was a very enlightening morning walk.  I did take time to listen to the birds chirp.


Kristen said...

This is a great and funny post! So true! :-)

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

This is so funny!
I am a grocery well.
You can tell a lot about people by what they buy and their trash. Hmmm.

Kathy said...

So let's hear what was in the Henderson recycling bin LOL