Monday, June 18, 2012

Busy June

Really, we have had a busy spring so far, and I have not taken any pictures of the goings on.  Ry-Guy, the oldest grandchild turned 12 on June 2.  Well, I feel so old now and don't know where the time has gone.  I had better grab my kisses and hugs and cuddles while I still can.  
On Sunday before Memorial day, Kevin and Audrey said they were moving home on Monday; the NEXT DAY.  What a pleasant shock.  They loaded up 2 cars with what they could carry and are staying at her grandpa's condo; he no longer lives there.  Then Kevin and Audrey went back to Missouri last week and packed the rest up and the movers took it all.  They are renting their old house and bought a new (I mean new) house in Macomb Twp and we will need a map of Michigan because we know nothing about that side of town.  Kevin is in Australia right now (18 hour plane trip) to do some training and he called from there last night at 9:30 p.m. to wish his dad a happy father's day.  It was 11:30 Monday morning there.  Exciting, but talk about jet lag!!
Last week, Don stripped our deck and re-stained it. Boy, was that a project.  But it looks, oh, so nice.  Thursday we plan to go the Northville farmer's market and buy some plants for the built-in planters that also got a shiny new coat of stain.  
And finally, yesterday was Riles' 8th birthday and we celebrated with a steak dinner because that is what she requested.  Are we starting with a new trend here?  Will the next kid want Lobster?  
It was nice to have some cousins here to help her celebrate and we are so happy that Miss Maddie and Amelia have moved back to Michigan.  The cousins in Chicago called last night to get in on the act; we missed them and hope to see them this weekend.  I'd better get that camera back in use again!


Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

That is exciting news!!!
So glad you are able to enjoy life more!

Carol said...

Wow! That is very exciting!