Sunday, April 14, 2013

You Think.......

I could keep up with this blog....what's the problem?  Well I have had a few really bad headaches (its the season again) and a little depression that I can't quite shake.  I don't know if it has to do with the weather or not.  I read somewhere if we complain about the weather we are really complaining to God.  That struck a cord with me.  And PTL, I see the sun out now.  For how long?  We don't know.
One day this week I was at Starbucks and a real nice older gentleman told me he was feeling great; he was so upbeat and positive that he made my day!  And then he paid for my know, "pay it forward."  Now I will look for an opportunity to do the same for someone.  I am watching the Master's Golf a little bit with Donaldo just to see the pretty flowers, trees and green grass.  Although our grass has greened up with all the rain.  I know everyone is anxious for some sun and warm weather.


Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

It was blue skies and sunny when I got up this morning, Hallelujah and thank you Lord!!!!

Unknown said...


Kristen said...

Thankful for the sun today! And for the rain yesterday... Everything looks much greener today!