Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Words With Friends

I can tell you, I am addicted to this computer game and play it off and on day and night.  I use my iPhone because it is easier and faster and I have the "no add" feature on it.  My iPad has it too and I use that when my arm gets too sore from holding my phone.  I don't play any other games just WWF as I like to call it.
I am in first place most weeks with the others in "my group" of players. But....and this is a BIG isn't because I am the best player.  I believe it is because I play so many games; at least 22-25 games any given week.  I am good enough to score some good points with some of my friends, but I have three friends who are really good and beat me almost every time.  Their word playing is beyond my scope of understanding.  How did they put that word there?  Do they have better letters than me?  Yes that is it I have decided ha ha.  It must be it.
I have found that you can make up words and sometimes they fit and are actually words.  Who knew? My highest scored word was 102 and I can't even remember the word.  My highest scoring week was two weeks ago where I got 13,000 points.
I also know things about my friends just by how and when they play.  Some work in the morning.  Some have Bible Study certain mornings, I have one friend who I know leaves work at 5:00 p.m. because she stops playing me then until evening.  She plays me during her lunch hour.  I have one friend who I think is away this week.
Does it seem like I am too involved?  Yes I guess so.  I have a love-hate relationship with the game.  I get mad sometimes when I get crummy letters the whole game and the other person makes great words.  I love it when I get good letters and the game is favored for me to win.  I never thought I was that competitive, but in this game I am.  It has given me something to do when I feel depressed or anxious; it takes my mind off of things.
I will have lots of time to play in the car the next couple of days, so if you play with me, ramp up your action ha ha.  I especially like to play my sister because I feel we are equally matched although she is very good.  And thanks to my friend who got me playing this in the first place!


Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

Sometimes I feel like I play regularly and sometimes when I get busy it's the first thing to go!
I think after you play for a while you learn lot of words we don't use in every day life, but come in handy on WWF! Like Qi and qua, and Jo and za, what are THEY! It's the luck of the draw too. Sometimes I have all vowels or no good consonants.
You are a worthy opponent!

Kristen said...

I feel like we are neck/neck most games! Best word I've learned from playing WWF is "quag" 😂

Kristen said...

Ps. I bet you would like trivia crack...