Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Year Or So Later

Well, here I am checking out my own blog.  A friend told me it has been a year since I have written one.  I can't believe how the time flies.  We went through a nasty winter last year, but I am not complaining because we were in Florida part of the winter.  We had a lovely but late spring...and then my most favorite season, summer.  I turned another year older and now am half-way to turning another year older.  In the meantime, I grew stronger and less depressed and more like myself.  I still have bad days, but not worse days.  I struggle with a few issues, but through journaling, prayer and counseling those issues are getting resolved.
I thought I would give this a try again and see how it goes.  Part of what gets hard when you are depressed is creativity and that is what it takes me to write; creativity.  I did scrapbook all weekend and that gave me hope that maybe the creativity is coming back.
It's time for Uncle Buck's visit again with his dog Buster.  He will be staying for 6 weeks and we know he always enjoys the freedom and change of being here.
Thanks for your patience with me.....here's to a New Year and new beginnings!


Unknown said...


Kristen said...

I'll toast to that!

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

Welcome back!!

Dottie said...

Welcome back. I have missed your musing so much. I can imagine how difficult it would be to keep up a blog but that is because I am not creative. When I get the urge, which is usually on a political issue, I just bother those who read it my venting on FB. Glad you are feeling better.