Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Saturday's Adventure

It was more like a trip or...mini vacation.  As six people piled into one car and drove and drove....drove.

 We listened to sounds of "Are we almost there yet?" from Miss Riles.  "When are we going to get there?"

 Words like "Mound Rd." and "Twenty Two Mile Rd." came into play.  

"Are you sure we don't need our GPS?"

 "Wow, it's taking a long time."  I must have mentioned this more than once because Karen said something like "Okay Mom." 

 "Wow, look at the stores and restaurants; they have everything here." 

 "This sure is different."  "Are we going up north."  "Well we could go to Imlay City, I just saw the sign."

"We are almost there." said papa.

"Do you remember the street?"  (me still thinking about the GPS)

"I remember this from last time."

"There sure are a lot of lights on this road."

"I know there is a big church somewhere."  "No, that is when we came the other way."

We arrive at Kevin and Audrey's house.....finally and we all pile out of the car and stretch our legs. Riles brings in all her American Girl doll stuff and we have jackets and extra clothes for Brady and dessert. 

The east side is a whole other world; very unfamiliar but hopefully to become more familiar!  Thanks to Kevin for the grilled lamb and asparagus and Audrey for the great salad and homemade dressing.  Karen completed the meal with a homemade Amish chocolate chip angel food cake with chocolate sauce and strawberries. We had a fire in the fire pit after dinner while we looked at the full harvest moon; a lovely trip!

                                                  Maddie and Amelia on their dad's hammock
                                                                 Harvest moon
                Sitting around the fire pit with glow-
                in-the-dark necklaces and bracelets.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

A very nice little "mini vaca!"