Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Long and Short Of It

Do you know how you look in the mirror one morning and all of a sudden your hair is too long and there is one inch of roots showing and you JUST HAVE TO DO SOMETHING NOW??!!  
I swear, I have come close to cutting my own hair sometimes.  Today was my lucky day.  I got in to my hair dresser and while my hair was coloring, I looked in some style books.  You know, the styles that look good on the models but NOT on you?! So, I wanted something shorter but not all-over short.  I picked out a style out of the book and sat nervously while she cut away...and away.  I was getting nervous because it felt like she was doing a lot of cutting and shaping and trimming and texturizing (okay spell check says that is not a word).  
When she was done, everyone was oohing and aahing over her creation.  I kind of liked it.   
My regular hair dresser moved to Brighton and I had to give her up and I am hoping this one works out.  Anyway, I had Donaldo take some snapshots of the results because I needed a new picture on facebook; so here they are:

I always have this little tail thingy going on when I cut my hair short in the back.  It just grows there

                    I definatley  feel "lighter."


Carol said...

Very nice! I really like how it's tapered in the back. And that is a lot of posts in a row. So glad you are back in action!

Karin said...

That's a lovely haircut! Looks great! I need to find a new hairdresser. She cut mine shorter on one side - have to wait until it grows out - just another 2-3 weeks!

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

I give it a thumbs up! Really like the color!

Kathy said...

Very chic!