Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Way Back When-sday Hodgepodge

Thanks to Joyce from this side of the pond for supplying these questions.  Boy!  I haven't done this in a long time!

1. The summer Olympics officially begin this Friday night...will you be watching?  If you could see just one event in person which one would you pick.  

I would pick gymnastics because I NEVER could do anything like that in my life; even when I was young.  I love the precision and the balance and the nearly impossible looking poses they do.  My second favorite would be swimming.  I might watch the opening Friday night; at least part of it.

2.  Do lazy days make you feel rested or unproductive?

They make me feel mostly unproductive although I am getting better at letting it all go and just doing what I feel like doing.  I don't like to sit and do nothing it's too depressing.  On a lazy day, I would read a good book.

3.  July 25th is officially "Threading the Needle Day...can you sew?  On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being Betsy Ross-like, how would you rate your skill with a needle and thread?

Ha ha Betsy Ross, yea right.  That would be my sister Magnolia.  I, however, can sew and used to sew all the time. I would have rated myself as an "8" twenty years ago.  Sometimes I would need help in getting some projects done correctly.  I never could put zippers in very good.    I would love to sew again.  Which brings up another thing, I still have my new sewing machine from a year-and-a-half ago that I still haven't used :(

4. "Threading the Needle can also mean to walk a fine line between two things or issues (think awkward social situation).  When was the last time you had to 'thread the needle' figuratively speaking?

I walk the line in relationships in my family with my brothers and sisters.  Some of our relationships are a bit fractured and since I am a "people pleaser" I used to feel like I had to be the glue to keep everyone together. This was especially true after my mother died.  I have learned I cannot do this, I just have to deal with my one on one relationship with each sister or brother.  I don't I want to be mad at anyone so I am generally forgiving.   I do not like people to be mad at me, but I am getting better at letting that feeling go and just say "whatever, it's their problem."  I decided not to be the "go between" for everyone else.

5.  Kidney, pinto, black, or navy....your favorite bean?

That would pinto beans.  I only like kidney or navy in Chili.

6.  Have you every hosted a garage sale?  Was it more success or bust?

Oh boy, this house has had a lot of garage sales, going back to when my mom and dad lived here.  They are ALWAYS hugely successful.  I think we have a good traffic pattern.  I haven't had one in a few much WORK!!!

7.  What makes you roll your eyes

When people pull out in front of me which they do all the time coming out of the Kroger parking lot.  Do they think I am going to stop for them just because they pulled out??  It is just annoying and sometimes dangerous.
I also have been noticing lately when police officers ignore the law.  If they make an illegal left turn, they should have their lights on.  Last week, a police car went down our street 90 miles an hour- with lights, but no siren. Anyone backing out of their driveway would have gotten hit.  There is NOTHING that would make them drive that fast down a residential street.  Sorry.

8.  Insert your own random thought here

There are several reasons I like this picture.  We were the first two of six children and it was an innocent time in our lives.  We look very cute together and I love the color of our jammies.  I love my one-piece pj's.  I think we called them bunny suits.  I love my hair.  Did my mom put rags in it to make the curls?  She always cut my bangs too short.  Don't you just love the crib?  I love the white with the little animals on it.  It is unusual that the picture is in color, which makes me think it was a slide (remember those?) first and someone got it printed.  Honestly, I picked this "way back" picture because it made me happy.

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