Sunday, July 22, 2012

Potent Quotabe

"Slow down, you're moving too fast.  Ya gotta make the morning last."  
Okay, enough of the "back to school" sales and "Christmas In July" on QVC (I kid you not!!)  I don't like seeing all the fall decorations at Michaels and hand towels at Kohls.  Life is going by fast enough; we don't need to pushed and shoved into the next season.  
Now that I have found out what is wrong with me; SIBO which stands for small bowel intestinal overgrowth, and have a treatment for it,  I would like to salvage what is left of the summer.  That big black cloud that has been hanging over my head has moved just a little bit more in the last couple of days.  The probiotics, the digestive enzymes, and METAGENIICS ULTRA INFLAM  X 360 PLUS, all seem to be helping a lot more than the drugs they have given me. Don decided I needed to go back to the holistic M.D. and we got in on Thursday morning and I am so glad I did.  So lets enjoy the rest of the summer and not think about fall or Christmas yet!  I started by buying some "on sale" flowers yesterday to replace some that don't look too good from the heat.  It's nice to freshen up the flower beds a bit. Happy rest of the summer!


Carol said...

So glad you are able to jump right into summer. And this is going to be a hot week to do just that.

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

WOO HOO, a post!!!
It was mighty good to see you out and about yesterday!

Have you been to Hobby Lobby? Chiristmas. In July.

Enjoy the REST of the summer!

Unknown said...

Oh no! Can't go to Hobby Lobby then!

Unknown said...

P.S. It was great to be out and be seen!

Kathy said...
