The Den in our house hasn't always been a den; in the days of my family of origin it was a bedroom. Actually when we first moved here in 1960 it was my bedroom. That was when we had four bedrooms and five kids and I remember my mom telling me before we moved that I would get my own room. Then number six child came along and my dad built a bedroom in the basement for two of my brothers and the new baby got the "den room." I got the bedroom my sisters moved out of into the boys old room. And then......I got married and there was an extra bedroom that my dad converted into the "DEN" and that's what it has been ever since one way or the other. We have changed it around a bit since we bought the house. We used to have a TV and rocking chair in it-now we have two desks-his and hers and a file cabinet. The computer sits on "his" desk and the other is my roll-top desk. I have this picture of the den when it was my dad's; it was so nice and neat. I can't show any pictures of it now because it is kind of messy. We did put a frame up with our Florida pictures this year; funny, the frame has sat unused for four years since we bought it at Costco. I finally filled it and it looks quite nice over the desk.

My dad's nice and neat den. I made the macrame plant hanger. I especially like the Harvest Gold curtains! He also had a jelly bean dispenser on the desk Pretty cool!
Our "new" frame sits over the slightly messy desk in the slightly messier den.
Very nice! I bought a frame a Costco a long while ago and couldn't find the photos to fill it. Finally gave the frame to one of my girls, lol!!
Ha great pic of the "den." Used to sit at the little kids table when it was Robert's room and listen to records and have tea parties. (with Robert) and read the CRAFT book..........
Most loverly macrame plant hanger, my Mom had some of those!
I think your house history is interesting!
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