Dear Mom,
Your neighbor Jacqueline was saved finally on Sunday afternoon after we went to church. I had prayed for her that I might get a chance to talk to her one more time and God gave me that chance.
You remember how you used to witness to her and put tracts and letters in her mailbox. Remember how she resisted with all her might because as you know, she is a stubborn woman. After you moved I carried on like a little soldier but she would have nothing to do with it.
After Jim died she was mad at God and said she didn't believe in him or heaven. She started getting dementia and I thought "well it's too late now." Then I heard she had breast cancer surgery 2 weeks ago and the anesthetic made her dementia worse. Suddenly I was moved to speak to her. At our prayer service last Wednesday I prayed that I would get that chance or that she would get a Christian care giver.
Sunday she was out sitting on the porch quite disturbed because she knew something was wrong with her and she wanted to be her old self again, or worse yet, she wanted to die and get it over with. Well, mom, I knew this was my time to speak so I told her again how God loved her and how she needed to ask Jesus into her heart. She wanted more than anything else, peace. She wanted the peace I had.
So I led her in prayer and she folded her hands and prayed out loud after me. The change wasn't immediate because it was so new to her but I kept reinforcing God's love for her.
Today I walked over to her porch again and we talked for a few minutes about God and she had a Christian caregiver with her who gave testimony to everything I said. What a wonderful thing, mom, I wished you could have been there. I even told her Jesus was coming back again and she would go to Heaven with Him.
Well, I went home for awhile and then went out to mail some letters and she called me over to the porch. She sang "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine. We sang it over and over and I was overjoyed.
I told her she would see Rosemary in Heaven and that seemed to give her more peace. So you see mom, never give up and never think that God can't do the impossible. I know you know that from being in Heaven all these years. But I want to know if the angels rejoiced for her on Sunday afternoon. Because that would be an awesome thing and maybe just maybe you know that you will see her again someday. I love when God answers prayer!
Love, your always loving daughter, Marlene