Thursday, June 14, 2018


 Happy Flag Day!  I love this picture with the flag and the Bible because out country was founded on Biblical principals.

I am having trouble downloading pictures again but today I was able to download a couple...finally,.  This last one is the pretty Starbucks tumbler that Don got at Costco.  I have used it everyday for my Latte.  Don used the green one yesterday for iced coffee.  

The little boot picture is a planter I made up yesterday with Super Bells and the herb Thyme.  it's the last thing I'm going to make up.  We are done and Don is in the process of weeding the flower beds and mulching them.  He did the herb garden yesterday.

The second picture is of Cavan, Ryan's brother just before he headed out for Upper Peninsula Bible Camp to be on staff for eight weeks.  Good for him-he will love it and do a good job.  He was on staff last year also.  So Kristen has an almost empty house.

And finally Kristen heard from Ryan.  He called yesterday and today she got quite the letter from him.  He told some amusing stories.  One guy went AWOL already and got caught.  Another guy peed himself because he was afraid to ask the Drill Sargent if he could go to the latrine.  Our boy is tougher than that!!!

I stopped reading "The Last Jihad," it was too violent.  I am now reading "The Paris Wife."  It is about Ernest Hemingway.  So far I like it.  I am also reading  "Passion For Jesus"  by Mike Bickle.  It is for my book club at church.
Going to have my Latte now.  Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

One week

Well it's been one week since "The Day."  Kristen is still waiting to hear from Ryan.  Some of the other mothers on her Facebook group have heard from their people who deployed at the same time.  So Kristen waits...It's hard!

And it's been a week since I have blogged.  Lots going on I guess; it is hard to keep a daily log of your life.  

Mostly Don and I made pots last week and I made 11 fairy gardens. I think it is probably too many but I love to make them and they look so cute.

Yesterday our first rose of the season bloomed; It's called "Stairway to Heaven"  and I planted it years ago in memory of my mom.

Today we went to Barnes and Noble because Don had a gift card and he bought,what else?  A cookbook!  I looked around for good books I could get on my Kindle.

And today at Costco Don got me some tall plastic,insulated Starbucks drink cups in pink and green.  Two came in a a box.  I love them!

Currently I am reading "The Last Jihad" by Joel Rosenburg.  All I can say is his books are riveting.  

Hope you had a good week!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Day

 I won't say I didn't cry, because I have several times today, especially when these pictures showed up on Facebook just after he was going to leave at 12:00 noon central time today.  I wonder how Kristen feels letting her first child leave after taking care of him for 18 years.  I think every mother grieves when letting a child go.

And of course I always think of my sister in this situation who can't see either of her boys. I'm not immune to that pain either because I have seen how it has hurt her.     

And here is the emotional grammy, who can't quite believe he actually left.  We won't be seeing him until after Christmas unless we go to Arizona where he does his intel training.  He goes there after his basic training in August.  I can write him while he is in basic training, and you can be sure I will.  He's planning to come to Florida in February or March when we are down there. 

I wonder, even though he chose this and is excited about it, does he really know if he is going to like it.  I guess he will find out soon!  He has strength of character and body that will help him through.  And I wrote in his journal "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might."  

And I am so proud of him and thankful that he is serving our country.  

Monday, June 4, 2018


  Now that the weather has cooled down a bit we are getting to the plants that we bought a couple of weeks ago.  We repotted the orange or lemon tree-I'm not sure which one it is but it was root-bound from being in the house all winter.  The roots were soaking up the water and turning the green leaves yellow.  Too much water is sometimes worse for a plant than not enough water. So we planted it in a bigger pot and gave it some more dirt and room to grow.  It is on the "injured" plant list, along with some Cana Lilies that need to rebloom.    

We potted the cana lilies (not shone here because we had to snip the dead blooms off).  We planted some Superbells around them in big pots.  I like to have tall plants and then smaller trailing plants around them.  So hopefully, the Cana Lilies will recover.  

The plants are loving the sunshine and the Superbells are just blooming away.  Tomorrow we have more plants to pot especially some fairy gardens.  Hopefully we can get them done.  
We put most of our plants on the deck now because the deer eat them out in the flower beds. 

This is why I love spring and summer.  I love flowers and wish I could plant more the way I used to.    

Friday, June 1, 2018

Why I Scrapbook

I think scrapbooking or crops as they used to be called started out as a social entity.  
Women got together and scrapbooked like they used to get together and quilt,  I belong to a group that meets at a Scrapbook Store once a month, although I must say, I haven't been there in a few months.  I love the social part of scrapbooking with friends but I do not like lugging all my stuff there.  I can scrapbook at home because I have a room, a closet and a table and all my supplies are withing reach.  

But why do I keep doing it?  I wonder myself sometimes and I wonder who is going to look at them all.  But I decided they give me pleasure in looking back at things and remembering what we did.  

It also appeals to the creative side of me that wants to put colors and shapes together.  I love the paper; it's like having a piece of material to work with.  I love the embellishments; it adds form and body to the page.  And lastly I like to do it because when I don't feel like doing anything else, I do it to have a sense of accomplishment; saying "at least I got something done today."  It's an easy way to put off something you probably should be doing,

Scrapbooking isn't for the faint of heart though.  You have to be in a good mood because if you aren't the ideas won't come.  I find once I start I am okay and can keep going for awhile.  

I have done it for about 19 years and when our first-born grandchild came around it really picked up because there were pictures galore. Now vacations also go into the books and the page about is from our time in Florida this winter.   

I have always liked taking pictures and what better thing to do with them but put them in a nice album.  So I keep plugging along all the time knowing I will never finish putting all the pictures I have in an album.  When I'm gone I'm sure they will go out in the trash with all the other things my children don't need.  

I am not being harsh just realistic, I think. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A Letter To My Mom

 Sometimes when our moms have gone to Heaven we wish we could just talk to them.  I have wondered sometimes if they know anything about what is happening on earth. I used to feel really close to my mom when I was at her cottage at Dear Lake.  One day I sat down by the lake and told her everything I was thinking.  I know my sister would like to talk to her about her cancer because my mom had cancer four times.  But today I would like to write her a letter. They say the angels in Heaven rejoice when one sinner repents.  

Dear Mom, 
Your neighbor Jacqueline was saved finally on Sunday afternoon after we went to church.  I had prayed for her that I might get a chance to talk to her one more time and God gave me that chance.

You remember how you used to witness to her and put tracts and letters in her mailbox.  Remember how she resisted with all her might because as you know, she is a stubborn woman.  After you moved I carried on like a little soldier but she would have nothing to do with it.  

After Jim died she was mad at God and said she didn't believe in him or heaven. She started getting dementia and I thought "well it's too late now."  Then I heard she had breast cancer surgery 2 weeks ago and the anesthetic made her dementia worse.  Suddenly I was moved to speak to her.  At our prayer service last Wednesday I prayed that I would get that chance or that she would get a Christian care giver.  

Sunday she was out sitting on the porch quite disturbed because she knew something was wrong with her and she wanted to be her old self again, or worse yet, she wanted to die and get it over with.  Well, mom, I knew this was my time to speak so I told her again how God loved her and how she needed to ask Jesus into her heart.  She wanted more than anything else, peace.  She wanted the peace I had.
So I led her in prayer and she folded her hands and prayed out loud after me. The change wasn't immediate because it was so new to her but I kept reinforcing God's love for her.

Today I walked over to her porch again and we talked for a few minutes about God and she had a Christian caregiver with her who gave testimony to everything I said.  What a wonderful thing, mom, I wished you could have been there.  I even told her Jesus was coming back again and she would go to Heaven with Him.  

Well, I went home for awhile and then went out to mail some letters and she called me over to the porch.  She sang "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine.  We sang it over and over and I was overjoyed. 

I told her she would see Rosemary in Heaven and that seemed to give her more peace.  So you see mom, never give up and never think that God can't do the impossible.  I know you know that from being in Heaven all these years. But I want to know if the angels rejoiced for her on Sunday afternoon.  Because that would be an awesome thing and maybe just maybe you know that you will see her again someday. I love when God answers prayer! 

Love, your always loving daughter, Marlene 

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day 2018

 When I posted this picture on Facebook I think one of my friends thought it was my yard.  It just caught my eye on Pinterest and I copied it.  It is totally something I would like to do that's for sure.  Oh, to have the energy that I used to have when I was younger!  
I love the sign it says what Memorial Day is all about.

We had an early burger lunch/dinner with Karen and Raymond and kids.  It was very good.  Brady and I went to Michaels with my coupon and then Karen and I went to Kohl's.  Yes, we celebrated in style.  

Now the evening is here and it's "what do I do?"  I am reading a new book (for me) by Joel Rosenberg called "The Last Jihad."  It is the first in a 5 book series.  He writes a lot of series books and once you get into his books; they are hard to but down.  I just can't get into it right now.  

I used to be a night person, but I am not anymore.  I have reverted to being a morning person most of the time. Right now, bed sounds like the best thing to do! 

I have set my alarm tomorrow for 6:30 a.m. so I can get up and walk, but that remains to be seen.  I would like to do some stretches too...

The most impressive thing about this Memorial Day is that it was 96 degrees!  Happy Memorial Day to you!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Day After

The hair is flat, the makeup is off, the jewelry is hanging up with the dress.  But the flowers are fresh and I love them because they are the same color as the flowers in our wedding. 

 Everything was perfect...the decorations, the flowers, the cake, the 70th birthday cupcakes and balloon, the gifts which I didn't expect and the stories people told.  Even Don choked up when he gave a tribute to our marriage.  Of course that was my undoing, i cried the whole time he was speaking
 Yesterday was a day of rest and relaxation and our company is leaving this morning before we go to church.  It is supposed to be in the 90's today so I will wear a cooling dress (Carly) and chill out when we get home.
 There will be no outside work tomorrow as it will be 96.

Going back to the party, it was perfect! Every part of it.  Even the family picture taking went well.  Karen asked me what my favorite part of the night was and I said "When I walked into the room and saw how perfectly it was decorated."  It looked like the reception I never had.  A big thank you goes to my girls who planned the whole thing.  I was immensely satisfied with the entire evening.  I can't wait to see the photographer's pictures!

Friday, May 25, 2018

The Hours Up to the Party

 In some ways the morning has dragged by.  And then what will happen is all of a sudden there won't be enough time.  
 I got up at 7:30 and lounged around and then had breakfast and took a bath.  I forgot I was going to get my hair done because I almost washed my hair.
 Then I went to the Hallmark Store to return a defective bracelet and get another one-it was the one I gave Megan.  They didn't have anymore except for one spelled "Meghan."  So I got her one that said "LOVE."  She seemed happy with that.  I came home and killed some more time and then went to get my hair done. It looks great-just like me only like I spent more time on it. Ha!  She didn't charge me for the wash and hair styling and wished me "Happy Anniversary." That was so nice.

 I wanted to stop at the flower shop nearby and get a plant or two, but it was getting very busy and very hot.  So I came home and will wait until next week.

 Chef Donaldo made yummy protein shakes for lunch and we enjoyed them outside.  It's just help yourself for lunch and for a few that means "Cheez-its' or however you spell it. 

 I just finished putting stuff in my gold dressy purse and now it's all reading to go.  The dress is hanging up-it's plain coral to go with the color theme of our family pictures that we are going to have.

 The day turned out hot-87 degrees for a high but I am so glad it isn't cold and raining.
 I decided to wear my open Birkenstocks instead of fancy shoes. They are so much cooler and I want to be comfortable.  Oh, and my toenail polish matches my dress and fingernail polish.  
 Whew!  Now to put make-up on which is the hard part for me-I don't want to put too much on and look like a clown.  

One more thing, we have really been drinking iced tea around here. Most of the tea is from "Republic of Tea" and it is Hibiscus Sangria. It is especially made for iced tea and Cavan was the first one to want to try it.  I've made two pitchers of it so far.  It tastes sweet enough that you don't have to put sugar in it.  

 Well, one-and-a-half hours until we leave and start this whole shindig. Hopefully I will have a picture for tomorrow.  Sorry you can't be there Jan; but you will be there in spirit and I just want you to spend this year getting better.  

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Another Graduate

This pretty young lady is grandchild number three out of seven grandchildren.  She has two older brothers and lives in the Chicago area. 
She is fourteen and graduated from 8th grade last night from  Westminster Christian School and will be in high school next year.  She is fourteen and I will be seeing her today, as the whole family is coming for the PARTY.   Shhh...I bought her a graduation card and a necklace that says "Megan."  I will add a little money to the card.
 We are all geared up for the company and Don got the food for the weekend.  We have not had time to plant anymore flowers or make up some fairy gardens which I would really like to do.  I'm thinking next week would be a good time to concentrate on the flowers.  We have no appointments, so far, and it is supposed to be warm and sunny.
 Speaking of warm and sunny, it is supposed to be in the upper eighties this weekend.  It went from winter to a very short spring to summer.  But who's complaining not me!!!  We just put the air on for the first time and it works!!
 I keep banging into things and hoping I don't mess up my pedicure.  I must slow down and say mindful says Donaldo.  He is rushing around too and I can only pray that we don't have and minor incidents.  He is more mindful than I am.
 Hoping to keep writing all weekend as things progress.  But today I wanted to say Congratulations to Megan, we are really proud of you and love you a lot!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Getting Ready

It's almost here; our 50th Wedding Anniversary party.  My poor sister has heard me talk about nothing else.  You see, she had bilateral breast surgery and lives in South Carolina and she can't make it to the party.  I would love her to be here because she was in my wedding and was part of my special day. And I wish she could be part of this party.
 The party is being planned by our adult children and it is at a place unknown to us.  We plan to have our family picture taken before the party and that is exciting to me because we haven't done that since the kids were little.  My, how grown up they are now, and the first grandchild has graduated from High School and is leaving in June for boot camp.  He will be in the Army National Guard.  After boot camp he well be studying in his field of duty which is Intel Analyst.  So it is very important to me that we have some pictures taken.  Life is short and at our ages I'm thinking you never know what might happen.  I'm not trying to be maudlin here but life does seem to be going by fast.
 I remember having my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary Party here at in our backyard with tents and catered food and now they are both gone; in fact it is 3 years today that my dad died and much longer for my mom.  I'm so glad we have pictures to look back on that day.  

 Now, to the picture of me here; I got my nails done today and they match my dress which is the exact color of the shirt I have on today.  It is the first step in my complete makeover-Botox, hair dyed blonde, and weight loss!  Just kidding; I wish! 

 But, I'm getting excited for the party and my daughter and family are coming tomorrow from the Chicago area.  That's next on the agenda.  Friday I am going to get my hair done.  I haven't done that since the last wedding.  
 Fifty years is something to celebrate!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


One of my most favorite spots in the garden is this little corner.  We bought the sign some years ago up north in Glen Arbor, Michigan.  The little wooden chair was given to us by our daughter Karen several years ago.  Every year this corner looks a little different and there is a different plant in the pot.
 I used this picture from awhile back because the chair doesn't have a plant in it yet.  One of the next things I'm going to do is buy a plant for the chair.
 Now we have to be careful what kind of plant we buy and what we put around it; because the deer population from the woods behind us eat many of the plants and flowers that we plant so we have to buy deer resistant plants.  Even then, in the fall they are ravenous and might eat anything.  Thus Donald gets his super duper deer repellent out that he makes with rotten eggs, chili powder, and anything else that sounds yucky.  He sprays it on the plants after it rains.  It does help for the most part.
 Also Don had to fix the chair this year.  He got some branches from the woods and used some white birch branches that he got from Kroger last Christmas.  It turned out really nice.  I will take a picture of it when I get the plant.
 When we sit in the hot tub we can see it and remember to relax in this busy world.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Time To Plant These Jewel Seeds

  Every Summer I plant these seeds-the Nasturtium.  The seeds are big enough to see which is a plus because some seeds are so small you can hardly see them.  
 First I get a big pot filled with dirt and plant them in circles around in the pot.  They come up fast and soon they are spilling out of the pot.  I put those in my kitchen herb garden because they are edible, both the leaves which are peppery tasting and the flower.  They look so pretty in a nice summer salad.  
 Then I plant them around the Rose Garden in the back.  We call it the Rose Garden as it used to have Roses in it.  They have all died but we still call it that.  It has various plants in it.
 I always buy Botanical Interests Seeds and you can find them at Ace Hardware or other garden places.  I usually buy the multi-colored Trailing Single Blend, but this year I found the Cherry Rose Jewel Nasturtium as well.  They will be beautiful cascading out of the big pot or around the Rose Garden.   
 I also use the leaves and flowers to make an herb vinegar.  They add a nice taste to the vinegar and color it as well; great for salads!!
 One thing, is to make sure chance of frost is gone.  This year could be kind of iffy because of the sudden changes in weather.  
 So pick yourself up a couples packages of Nasturtiums-you will be glad you did!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

This Boy-Way Back Whensday

This boy in the picture is finishing up middle school and getting ready for high school.  He is now graduating from Westminster Christian High School this Friday!  The second picture below was taken at the Senior Dinner last weekend and he is shaking hands with his teacher who is also his youth pastor.  He was given a glowing send-off.  
 I don't know where the time has gone!  It seems I was just holding him as a newborn baby.  He turns 18 in two weeks and we are celebrating that and his graduation party and going away party.  He is going into the army reserves and going to boot camp a few days after the party.  He has turned out to be a fine young man and we will miss him a lot.  But it isn't forever and after boot camp and training he will be coming home until he goes to college.  And I'm sure he will want to visit his Grammy and Papa especially when we are in Florida?  Right?  Right!!  Hmm...will he still call us Grammy and Papa?  He is growing up but sometimes I still see parts of that little boy in him.  

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

A Little Fairy

Now is the time to start making my little (or sometimes big) Fairy gardens.  They are so much fun and I love the cute little things you can use to personalize them.  Even Donaldo is getting into it by helping me plant them according to my specifications. 
They can get expensive to make so you try to use your things from previous years.  
 But today, I couldn't resist, I stopped at George's Livonia Gardens where they have tons of stuff for Fairy Gardens.  I picked up a few plants and these cute birds and the flag. It somehow just sets off the plants.  
 The kids like to make them, so I have boy fairy and girl fairy stuff.
 I try to keep the plants alive all winter, but it is hard to do. I had Karen take some to school and put on her window sill, but I understand they are not doing to good. We also have some in the basement that I will need to salvage.  So I will clean them up and put new plants in them.
 You can also use fake moss to keep the dirt down and little stones or marbles on top of that.  
 Michaels sells a lot of fairy garden things and you can usually get a good deal on them.  I love little bridges and ponds!  The sun just came out and I feel like going there now.  
 All my gardens are made in pots so I can keep them contained.   
I'd like to make my sister Jan one and ship it to her in South Carolina.  She told me to google how to ship it.  
 Speaking of my sister, she is having surgery tomorrow and I know she would appreciate your prayers and well wishes. I will be praying all day tomorrow.   
 I finally figured out how to add pictures to by blog.  It only cost me $2.99 Hah!  It's worth it.  
 So look for more blogs coming up and I will try to add pictures to the old ones.   

Friday, May 11, 2018

Friday's News

Hang on everybody it's coming today.  I just have to cut up some strawberries for an event for tonight.  I'll be back with all the news....
There, I'm back and it didn't take very long.  I am going to a ladies event at church tonight called "Grounds for Faith." It is once a month and we bring a dish to share, have a speaker and do some fun things.  Tonight's topic is Joy.  
 Don is having Moes surgery on a cancerous spot on his neck today; it is really a long day.  They take a slice off the spot and then you have to wait until they biopsy it.  If there is still cancer in it they take another slice and you have to wait again. The wait period for each slice is two hours.  They tell you to plan to be there most of the day.  He started early; at 7:15.  I hope he's not there all day.  Last time he had it done on his forehead, he was in a lot of pain afterward.
 I am still having pain from where my tooth was pulled but I am trying not to take anymore Ibuprofen.  It helps the pain but bothers my stomach;  that is some trade-off.  Don and I are going to be quite a pair.
 I'm getting my nails done this afternoon.  I'm practicing colors to match my dress for our 50th anniversary party in two weeks. 
We don't know anything about the party, just the date.  The girls have been planning it and I am so excited.  We are having a family pictures taken by none other than Mrs. Trenda Knezek herself. She has been a good friend to me and Karen for a long time.  I am really excited about everything.  We haven't had a family picture take since the grandkids were little. And now? My how they have grown!  That is a whole other topic.
 The weather is yucky today.  It is only 52 and dark and cloudy. The rain is coming later-lots of rain.
 Today would have been my dad's 92nd birthday and he has been in heaven for almost 3 years.  He died May 23rd soon after his birthday.  Boy I miss him.  It seems we should still be going up north to see him.   
 And finally, Miss Riley Rose is spending the night. She wants to get her ears pierced tomorrow for her birthday which is June 17. She graduates from 8th grade at Northville Christian School in June and she wanted them done before the graduation ceremony. 
She will be 14!  I really don't know where the time has gone. 
 Oh, and Karen's husband has a little do-hickey thing that I can hook my phone up to my chrome book and get the pictures off my phone.  Hopefully then I can put pictures on my blog. 

Signing off until hopefully tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Tooth

You won't need any pictures for this blog post!  I am laid up today from a tooth that I had pulled yesterday.  It was a tooth that had an old root canal in it and the dentist had to drill in half first and then take each half out one at a time.  The whole thing took 3 hours.  I was not a happy camper to say the least!!!
Today my jaw is swollen and I am icing it and taking 800 mg of Ibuprofen. It well take a few appointments to put the implant and crown in which is what they intend to do.  Meanwhile the dentist knocked another crown off and temporarily put back in.  I have to go to my regular dentist to get it set properly. It was not a good day!!! 
It's a beautiful day here and the chef made me some veggie soup and is now cutting the grass!  What a guy!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Two Grandsons

"And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him."  Luke 2:40  I wish I could figure out how to put pictures on the blog.  What a blessing to have your youngest grandchild say this verse; his favorite, just before he was baptized today.  It was a wonderful Sunday morning as three other people besides Brady were baptized.  Raymond came to church as well as his brother and wife.  I pray Brady will become strong in the Lord as he grows up.  
 Yesterday was our first grandson's senior prom.  Honestly I can't believe he is going to be 18 and graduating from high school.  He plans to go into the army reserves.  He will be leaving for boot camp a few days after his birthday and graduation party in June.  He will be an intelligence analyst. He will be going to college after his training.
 His prom pictures were beautiful and he is one handsome guy. I am really proud of the young man he has become.  I will miss him while he is gone that's for sure. 
 I will put pictures on as soon as I can figure it out.  A lot has changed since I last wrote a blog.

Here is the other picture...


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Back Again

Hello World!  I am back again for the first time in over three years.  Yes we have been to Florida and back and then South Carolina and back. We have had winter in spring and now summer in spring.  I have a new chrome book which enables me to type easier than my telephone or iPad. 
Today is a beautiful day and the trees are all blooming.  
I see that my blog needs a new design and and update in appearance.  A new name is up for grabs.  What do you think?  
I promise to write to tomorrow when something very exciting is going to happen.  
  We  have been going to a new church which we can walk to.  It is practically in our backyard.  It is called Bell Creek Community Church and Karen and family have be going there for twelve years.  We really enjoy a smaller church and have already made some friends.  So come back and visit me again and leave a comment and your blog site name.  As for me it's time to get in my jammy's for the night.