Monday, August 12, 2013

It's That Kind of Day....

.....A tomato soup, hot chai tea, bear claw, Ibuprofen, scrapbooking kind of day.  We just came from Panera where I took Chef Donaldo out for lunch.  That's where I had the tomato soup and we bought the bear claw to have with our coffee and chai tea.
Really I should be cleaning the basement and organizing the toys, but I chose scrapbooking today.  I finished my Christmas 2004 book-one project down and about ten to go.  
The weather said 40% chance of rain today, but as it started raining in the hot tub this morning the percent went up to 90%.  How do the weather forecasters do that?   While in the hot tub we discussed getting an awning to go over it as I was getting splashed by the rain.  It would help keep the rain and snow off of us while enjoying the warmth of the tub.  It would also help the chef because it would also cover the barbecue.  
I'm happy my flowers and grass are getting a nice watering.  We have never had such green grass in August. 
I know I am behind in my blogs this year....way behind, and I need to but some pictures on of my beautious flowers.  I took quite a few yesterday.  So once I get them downloaded I should be able to put a few on.  
Hope you are coping with this day and all the rain.  

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Quotable Quotes

~No matter how old you get, you should try something new~

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Do you like tea?  Or are you a coffee drinker?  Perhaps you like both as I do.  Because of my allergy to coffee, I don't drink much of it, so I have become a connoisseur of tea.  I like all kinds of tea; black, green, flavored, and I always have a "new" tea that I like.  I get tea catalogs and tea emails.  First thing in the morning I like hot tea.  My new favorite is Twinings English Afternoon Tea.  How much sense does that make; afternoon tea in the morning?  But it is just the right strength; not too strong or not too weak.  Also, you can't go wrong with Twinings. I like their English Morning Breakfast Tea also. 
In the summer the only time I like hot tea is in the morning with a piece of toast.  After that I put it on ice; plain or with a lemon.  
In restaurants, I like to order an "Arnold Palmer" which is black tea with lemonade.  Sometimes they put too much lemonade in it. I like 3/4 tea to 1/4 lemonade and I will ask for it like that.  
If I buy a jug of tea it is Trader Joe's Unsweetened Green and White Tea with Mint. The chef likes that too even though he is the undisputed coffee drinker in the house. 
I also like iced Tazo green tea at Starbucks; sometimes with lemonade in it.  The lemonade all depends on the diet that I am on. Lol.   
If I make sun tea, I put five or six tea bags in a big jug; add some Stevia leaves that I grow and a few mint leaves along with lemon balm leaves. And I steep it in the sun for a couple of hours.  
In the winter, I like the spicier teas like chai tea; but not too sweet. I like Cinnamon tea also in the winter.  Sometimes I will take a strong tea like Scottish Breakfast Tea and put milk or cream in it.  
I get catalogs and email from "Republic of Tea" (served at Panera), Teavana and a few others.  I was in a Teavana store at Partridge Creek Mall on Saturday and boy were they are HARD SELL.  For that reason I didn't buy anything and decided I could order it on the internet if I REALLY wanted it.  
What about you?  Do you have a relationship with tea?  Just come and check out my stash.  

Sunday, July 14, 2013


My mother used to say you feel older when your children get older.  Today is our first-born's 43rd birthday.  I can't believe that!  He was born one week early and cried before he was even completely into the world.  The first thing the doctor told me was that he had red hair.  The first grandchild of my parents had red hair like my dad.  My parents had six children and no one had red hair.  I had strawberry blonde and freckles so I was the closet to the red hair.  I think they were pleased to finally have a red-head in the family.  
Yesterday we went to said child's house and celebrated all the July birthdays including his.  The kids had a ball playing together on the new play set with swings and a slide and climbing ropes.  The moms (Audrey, Karen,) and I sneaked off to the sidewalk sales at Partridge Creek Mall.  Don't ask me where it is...I am not familiar with their side of town.  We had a good time and picked up some bargains.  
Then we had dinner which Kevin and Audrey cooked.  They are the best cooks around.  I would rather go to their house than to a restaurant.  I felt a little bad Kevin had to cook for his birthday, but that feeling passed quickly after eating the shish kabobs of beef, chicken and veggies.  We had corn on the cob (so sweet) and bean salad.  And then Karen made the best brownie trifle that everyone loved, even down to licking the bowl.  
Kevin is off to Paris today for work; he goes there a lot and he is even getting immune to the sights, especially since he has to work until 8:00 p.m. and deal with jet-lag.  
So, Happy Birthday to our oldest.  We are proud of you and your lovely family!

Thursday, July 11, 2013


July is a big month for birthdays in our family.  Yesterday we celebrated Joy Boy's four-and-a-half birthday (yes we do that in our family) and today is Amels' (as we call her) fifth birthday.  She is number six of our seven grandchildren.  She is our son's little live-wire.  We will actually be celebrating all the July birthdays this weekend.  
Amels has natural curly hair and loves most bugs and little creatures.  You never know what she will have in her hand.  When she spent the weekend here she seemed very partial to frogs.  So...when I went birthday shopping I had this frog theme going.  The birthday card doesn't say "Happy Birthday" but "I miss you" only because it was the only frog card I could find.  
I remember my fifth is one of the first memories I have.  We were on vacation at a cottage on Gun Lake and I learned to tie my shoes.  I remember distinctly trying over and over again until I got it right. 
Meanwhile, Happy Birthday to our littlest granddaughter; Five is a big number!
Joy Boy's half birthday

Hmmm...this sand cone looks good.

I think someone is faking

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Stupid Game

Well, I am hooked, I really am.  I can't stop even if I want to. It goes on and on and on; over and over again. Just new letters, different words, different people.  After awhile you forget who you are playing.  Yes, it is "Words With Friends."  The computer game like Scrabble.  You pick your friends and you play them making words or in some cases making up words to see who wins the final game.  I have lost more than I have won, but I am still learning...ha ha, wonder how long I can say that.  Capri K has talked about this game for months.  My friend Betty got me started with the help of Kristen and I haven't stopped since.  I stay up later than I like.  Every time I sit down I check "my" games.  It is all made easier by the portability of the iPhone or in my case the iPad.  You wouldn't believe the words.  I literally make up words and about 50% of them are actually words.  
Now I have heard there are "Cheat" sites that will help you make words but I don't know what they are.  I did use a Scrabble dictionary for awhile, but I found it is easier to try the words yourself.  Unlike Scrabble you can try multiple times a turn.  
The other day I swore I was going to quit playing.  I either had all vowels or all consonants; in fact, that happens a lot.  But then I scored BIG and I am hooked again.  
JA and QAT and JIVEY and DIVOTS are all words.  I have stopped looking them up in the dictionary to see what they mean.  I just want to know what they score.  Well I am off...there are games to play.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What A Fun Day

I must admit, I just love birthdays; especially my own. Lol.  Donaldo took me out for breakfast which was a treat for him also.  I got lots of birthday wishes on facebook from family and friends.  I got calls from all my kids and one of my siblings and a text from another one.  And my dear dad gave me a call because he wrote the date on the calendar.  
Donaldo gave me a beautiful card and we are going out sometime this week to replace my wedding ring because the diamond fell out in a pool in St. Louis and we never found it.  
In the afternoon, Karen and Riley and I went to one of those pottery places where you paint the pottery and they fire it and you pick it up in a week.  It was harder than I thought and because I am a perfectionist, (okay, I am working on that) I am worried how it will turn out.  I had picked out a vegetable bowl with handles and I had some large areas to paint and some curvy areas to paint.  I painted it the color of my dishes at home.  I promise to put a picture of it on my blog when I pick it up.  
We finished the day at California Pizza Kitchen for dinner with Karen and Raymond and kids.  I had my favorite dessert, tiramisu.  I am not sure on the spelling of that one.  Brady and Riley couldn't wait for me to open their presents. Brady made his (so cute) and Riley had to tell me SHE picked out mine.  
It was a great birthday.  Aren't birthdays fun?  I loved all the cards too even the Medicare card.  

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Well I feel the same as I did yesterday, but I heard a quote from David Jeremiah this morning that I want to practice this coming year:  "Every day enjoy what God has given to you.  Joy is his gift and heritage to you."  Amen

Carol is my friend who lives in Florida.  We have known each other since junior high school.  She visited me for a few hours last week.  She will be 65 next month.  Impossible, I still maintain!!!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Eve Of...... 65th birthday, I wonder how I got to be this age.  Here I am in the picture on my first birthday in our band new house.  The hymn writer wrote it well that "Life at best is very brief; like the falling of a leaf."  I have been making a scrapbook of all my baby pictures and other mementos my mother and I have saved and it has been a walk down memory lane; so many of them.
I can't think of where the time has gone, but I also am thinking what to I want to do in the remaining time I have left.  Of course I have always thought the Lord would come before I died and perhaps He will.  That would be the greatest way to end my life on earth.  Both my mother and grandmother told me they thought He would come in my lifetime.  That doesn't make is so, but I have held on to that hope.
I look at the little girl here and I don't recognize her because I don't remember being one.  I am glad my mom kept the pictures and gave them to me.
I am on Medicare now of course, and that always follows with a few jokes here and there.  But tonight I am thinking of my blessings and wish I could name them all one by one, but there are too many.

*I was born into a Christian family
*I had wonderful grandparents
*My dad had a good job
*I had good friends in school
*I had Christian friends outside of school
*I was born again when I was young
*I married a wonderful Christian husband who provided well for us
*I got to work part-time when the kids were little
*I have Christian friends now
*I had three children-a boy and two girls who have seven children (our grandchildren) among them and are responsible,loving parents.
*I have gone on some lovely vacations
*I live in the old homestead
*I have lots of siblings........ a little trying, sometimes :)
*God loves me
*I love God

I feel like I should only be forty-eight or something like that, but I am slowing down a bit; things aren't quite the same as they used to be.  It's the new normal and as long as I keep a sense of humor things should go well.  I am thankful to so many people for investing time in my life both past and present and for praying for me.  I can't complain...I will leave the belly piercing and tattoos to those others who are searching for something different in life.  I don't like different so much anymore; I like what I have.  So cheers to my 65th year; may the Lord make it meaningful to Him.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Another Fourth

You can see, I am still spotty with my blogs; they come here and there, at odd times.  We are celebrating the Fourth today with Karen and family and have some chicken skewers for the Barbe.  We have some veggies and pineapple for Donaldo to grill also.  
The firecrackers have been really loud this year.  I finally put the air conditioning on last night so I could sleep.

I have kept this picture in a frame for years; my mother had it up at the cottage for a long time, but I finally rescued it.  It was taken the year the cottage was finished except for the deck. We were up there for the Fourth of July.  They were playing patriotic songs on the radio and my mom and Kristen were marching around the unfinished deck to the music.  This picture reminds me how much fun my mother could be and she loved doing things with the kids.  It makes me wish we could back to those fun times.  But we create new memories and Kristen is a grown-up mom with kids the age she was in this picture.  But that is why I hold on to the pictures-such a trip down memory lane.  

Saturday, June 22, 2013


The Missouri girls who now live in Michigan are here for the weekend while their parents spend a well-deserved weekend in New York City.  Have you ever been to New York.  Have you?  It's on my bucket list.  Kevin goes there for business a lot. 
Yesterday was GFV day and Maddie and Amelia loved it; they wanted to go back today.  

That train whistle is loud

Waiting for the old cars

Amelia loves frogs

Games on the green

Turning the train

The new train, Baldwin

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Olden Days

Yes folks, I was born back in the olden days.  I remember my mother talking about the olden days and now, somehow, I am living them.  This birthday coming up is the hardest one of all so far. I don't know why, must be that medicare card in my wallet. The word "senior citizen" has taken on a whole new meaning.  Don't get me wrong, I am glad to be alive and all that but when a recorded message starts with "If you ever fall down...will you be able to get help..." I think the phone call is for my dad. I have a lot to be thankful for and I will admit that.  But this is another time of transition as I adjust to the word "senior." 

Some interesting facts from 1948:

Sugar cost 85 cents for 10 pounds
Milk cost 87 cents per gallon
Coffee was 60 cents a pound
Eggs were 23 cents a dozen
Ground hamburger cost 45 cents a pound
Bread was 14 cents a loaf

First class stamps were 3 cents each
Gas was 16 cents a gallon
A movie ticket cost 60 cents each
A new car was $1,230.00
Average Income was $2,936.00 a year
A new house was $7,700.00
Rent was $70 a month

And guess who was president?  President Harry S. Truman.  Now we are talking a long time ago.  

When I was about 10 years old I remember my mom giving me a quarter to walk up to the corner store to buy a loaf of bread.  

"The richness of life lies in the memories we have forgotten."  

I am sure I will remember a few more things before the "big day."

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Little One.....

No more.  Miss Riles has turned NINE and we celebrated her last year in the single digits on Sunday.  We also threw Father's Day in with the birthday celebration.  We had her favorite dessert, brownies with coffee ice cream.  I actually broke my low-carb diet for that dessert.  It is the first dessert I've had in a long time.  Our girl is growing up along with the rest of the kids.  She was very, and I should underline VERY excited for her birthday.  I think presents were a big draw this year.  Happy Birthday!

Kind of serious looking here

Add caption

Joy Boy gets to blow a candle out too.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Way Back When-sday

I found this picture among some pictures that have been sent to my dad.  I took a lot of the pictures home that I and others have sent him and put them in an album for Father's Day.  
This is a picture of me and my sisters in Gatlinburg.  My mom wanted the whole family to go for their anniversary and we loved our time together so much that we kept up the tradition for several years.  Our kids have fond memories of being together and so do we.
What is so funny about this picture is what my mom wrote on the back of it before she sent it to my sister Magnolia at some point several years back.  It said, "The skinny minis(alias Russell girls) many moons (or pounds) ago!"  Then she added "The pot is calling the kettle black." Ah yes, we had all put on some poundage.  
It's fun to look back and see old pictures of yourself.  I know I had many "looks" and always wore clothes and glasses that were "in" or so I thought...ha ha.
I am still working on my memoirs and have been putting my baby pictures in an album.  This is one picture I will cherish because I have such happy memories of our time in Gatlinburg.

Forty no more,  Me, and Magnolia

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Million Things

Well...not quite a million, but we have been very busy here in our corner of the mitten.  Lots of plantings of beautiful flowers and pots and weeding and watering.  It has been fun and things are looking up except for some bugs on my herbs and the occasional plant that doesn't quite make it.  
Chicago kids came for the weekend and all the others came on Saturday to celebrate Ry-Guy's birthday and Riles who will be nine next Monday.  Big News:  Ry-Guy is now taller than me.  I dreaded the day but it has come.  Five weeks ago when we were in Chicago he was inching his way up and now he has gone up and beyond.  He thought it was pretty cool, I felt a little sad as our babies are all grown up; even the little ones.  Now they can't wait until they are taller than me. 
The cousins had fun with each other on Saturday and it was nice to see them all together.  Even Joy Boy seemed older as he played with cousin "Ameils" as we call her for short.  Ry Guy and Cavman are very nice to Joy Boy and play with him and he loves it.
Meg and Riles are inseparable and are in another world-that of make believe.  Maddie Moo and Ameils love to be around all the cousins.  Pizza was in order for Saturday and birthday "brownies" and ice cream. 
 It was a busy weekend with Kristen and kids leaving yesterday morning.  Then the quiet was deafening, so to speak.  I took it easy all day-did some journaling and scrapbooking and started a couple of games of "words with friends" on my iPAD.  Fun, Fun, but I need lots of practice.  I have wanted to play it for some time, but needed someone to show me how to get started.  That someone was Kristen and now I am in a game with her too.
I must download some pictures and keep blogging.  

Sunday, June 2, 2013

More Than One Thousand

Thanks for this picture, Kristen

I have them all over; probably over 1,000 pictures of Ryan our oldest grandchild who is thirteen today.  Many of the pictures are in albums (thank goodness).  But many are still in the camera, on the computer or filed by date or even on thumb drives.  What a happy occasion it is when a grandchild is born and the first is always a highlight that you remember every detail of.  I must say though, I feel the same about the births of all seven of our grandchildren. It is amazing how I remember little details of their birth.  I was in Chicago when Ryan was born early and I got to be there for his birth.  What a special privilege that was.   
Back in the days before digital cameras, I took tons of pictures and then I took them to the one-hour photo place and had doubles made.  Then, my daughter took some of the same pictures of her newborn as I did and we finally caught on to that and stopped taking the same pictures.   
The hardest thing for me about Ryan being born was that he was three-and-a-half weeks early and was just under six pounds and they live so far away.  Chicago might as well have been China for his grammy.  I retired from my job early and traveled back and forth to Chicago every two or three weeks.  And then because number two and three came pretty fast after that, I was there a lot.  I think back and hope I wasn't a pest of a grandmother telling my daughter what to do.  I think I tried that twice and learned my lesson.  
I have so many happy memories of my times with the kids there and it has been a long time since I have been there myself.  Don was working then and sometimes he took a long weekend to go with me. 
Ryan is a super kid, with a tender heart and I am loving him more today than the day he was born. Happy 13th Birthday Ryan; you've reached one of life's milestones.  Wonder if Kristen will need some help next fall with a teenager in the house?  Should I see if Amtrak still goes to Chicago?   

Thanks for this picture too.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Jiggity Jig, Jig Jig

Tell me, tell me please do, if you are good at doing jigsaw puzzles.  Is your brain wired to fit those little pieces together?  
In all my born years, I have never been able to put a puzzle together except for the "toddler" wooden puzzles.  Even then, I need the toddler to "help" me out.  
Last week at swimming, a woman was telling me that she loves to do jigsaw puzzles because they are so relaxing.  She just finished her first one thousand piece puzzle.  So...thinks me to myself "I should try it ONE more time."  So I buy a little 100 piece puzzle of a tropical scene.  With a little start-up help from Riles (get all the edges first) I ended up finishing the puzzle.  I was so excited, I took a picture of it and bought another 100 piece puzzle of the Golden Gate Bridge.  Well, there is were my luck went south.  I couldn't finish the puzzle.  Even Riles couldn't help.  The puzzle says three plus in age.  What??? What four year old could do this??  I am sure they made the puzzle wrong. That has to be the problem.  It is a cheap puzzle so something is amiss.  
So.....I bring out the 300 EZ piece puzzle that I bought in anticipation of finishing the Golden Gate Bridge.  Nice, thick pieces-anyone could put together right?  I open it tonight.  There are lots of pinks and greens; roses and daisies.  What was I thinking??  I need more distinct colors!  Okay, I started with the straight edges.  What do I do with them?  What do I do with the other pieces while I am working on the straight edges?  After five minutes I put the pieces back in the box and put it in the kid's room.  Maybe one of them can put it together.  In fact, I know one or two or even three of them that could do it.  
So there I am.  One 100 piece jigsaw puzzle to my name...that's it.  So tell me, am I right brained or left brained or no brained ha it!!!  I like to think I am the creative brain and cannot think conceptually (whatever that means.)  Tell me, can you do jigsaw puzzles?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Ta Da!!!

Thank you all for your patience in waiting for me to write another blog.  I had a major jam-up in the writing wiring of my brain.  Maybe it's the eight years of blogging or maybe it's because I write more in my journal in the mornings.  Whatever it is, let's hope I am on a roll and can stay with it.  
There is a big birthday coming up this year and although mine is one of them, (more on that later,) our first grandchild will be thirteen in two weeks.  We called him "Peanut" when he was born three-and-a-half weeks early and was just under six pounds. I had a bad case of grandma-itis which I still have; just not so intense (six more grandchildren gave me more perspective.)  I went to Chicago every two weeks just to see him.  I went by train, plane or automobile.  A couple of times I flew to Chicago, his mom picked me up at the airport and we drove back to Michigan.  He was just a little baby then and to keep him quiet he would suck on my finger half the way home.  Then we would drive back to Chicago and I would fly home the next day.  
I cannot believe he will be thirteen.  I have waited with bated breath to see if there are any teenage "changes" in his personality and although there are some, he still loves his Grammy.  I hope he always shows me or tells me that he loves me like he does now. There are new ways to relate to teens in this day and age. He got an iPhone (spelling?) for his birthday that he helps pay for and now he is texting me which I just love.     How cool is that??  What a nice way to stay in touch. 
 Now, I am realistic enough to know that things may change in the next couple of years; but I pray everyday that he will keep his loving and tender heart.  He is really waiting to be as tall as me and I think he will make it this summer.  It's fun to watch him grow.  Some day he will walk up to me and look me in the eyes and then soon after that, he will be looking down at me.  
I just love that boy! 

Monday, April 29, 2013

I'm Still Here

Thinking really hard about a blog post.  I've had a couple of ideas and I have some pictures to post so, if you can be patient a little longer I will get back to writing again.  

Saturday, April 20, 2013



We had a taste of spring here in the mitten this week but you would never know it by yesterday or today.  Yesterday we had 30 mph winds and this morning there is icy snow on the deck.  Temps are supposed to stay in the 30's and 40's.  While it was warm I noticed all the signs of spring here as I sat on the deck reading.  That is one sign; reading on the deck.  Also:
*we used the hot tub and it wasn't freezing when we got out
*I want to drink iced tea instead of hot tea.  I had a great Arnold Palmer at a Greek restaurant.
*I washed my shells from Florida outside and then let them dry in the sun.  I put them in a big glass bowl with sea glass on the bottom.  Very pretty
*I started a diet with my sister
*Went for a walk with the Donald
*Donaldo did some raking in the front yard
*Listening to gentle thunder
*Wearing Capris
*Cleaning my closet

Since we are only having part-time spring now, I can't wait for full-time spring.  It has to come doesn't it?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

You Think.......

I could keep up with this blog....what's the problem?  Well I have had a few really bad headaches (its the season again) and a little depression that I can't quite shake.  I don't know if it has to do with the weather or not.  I read somewhere if we complain about the weather we are really complaining to God.  That struck a cord with me.  And PTL, I see the sun out now.  For how long?  We don't know.
One day this week I was at Starbucks and a real nice older gentleman told me he was feeling great; he was so upbeat and positive that he made my day!  And then he paid for my know, "pay it forward."  Now I will look for an opportunity to do the same for someone.  I am watching the Master's Golf a little bit with Donaldo just to see the pretty flowers, trees and green grass.  Although our grass has greened up with all the rain.  I know everyone is anxious for some sun and warm weather.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Here We Go Again's been a whole week again and my only excuse is busyness.  Does that count for not writing?  I was at a personal retreat this past weekend with a friend.  It is so nice to spend alone time and write out goals for myself.  My friend Carol and I did this two years ago.  It was an extended Bible Study and prayer time and was good for my soul, heart and mind.  The food was great and it is a very nice place.  The world just stops for a couple of days.  Carol and I met for meals and it was talking to her again.  We haven't seen each other for a couple of months.
Monday was a babysitting day for Joy Boy who had been really sick for several days.  He had been dehydrated and Karen didn't want to leave him with the new babysitter on her first day.  She was busy with Riles who was home sick.
Yesterday was the chiropractor, the dentist and then a trip to the hairdresser to get my too-long hair cut and my mega gray roots covered.
That brings us today and all the rain we are supposed to be getting.  I might clean some cupboards or....I might not.  I have set aside Wednesdays to get some of my many photos in albums and clean up my scrapbook room.  I want to get the wallpaper off the walls and repaint it.  So this is great motivation to purge and organize.
Kristen and her husband celebrated their 16th wedding anniversary last Friday and I just can't believe they have been married that long.  Time has just flown by as the day gets closer until I become a bonafide Senior Citizen.
I am hoping to blog more often......:)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Oh My

It has been over a week that I have darkened the door of this blog or any others.  We have still been trying to beat this virus that we had and both of us feel still feel tired.  I think some nice warm weather in the 60's would be really nice; without the NW winds of 15-20 mph.  I feel like I need a kick in the pants or lots of caffeine to do anything.  You know that feeling like your heart just isn't in it?  Every day I think I will start my SPRING CLEANING, but there is no motivation.  We did get back to the swim of things at the Rec. Center although I blew off today, but faithful Don went.  
Easter went well, with a nice dinner at Kev and Aud's and egg coloring on Friday with Joy Boy and his sister.  They colored each egg about 4 or 5 times and they turned out quite strange colors, but they loved it. 
Hope you all have been more motivated than me; I am going to finish my tea and try to get something done.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


The Donald and I are sick with some kind of flu virus-nasty! I have a fever, head cold, cough, you, know the whole deal. Donaldo is a little less sick than me. So we have been hunkering down for the last three days trying to fight this thing. Our weapons are:

plenty of Kleenex
A bag to put them in
A netti pot to use three times a day
Vicks vapo rub
Thermometer-I am especially fond of this one so I can see how high my temp goes ha!  I think my mom took my temperature all the time when I was sick (I gotta blame this one someone)
A great series we are reading by Joel Rosenberg.
Vaseline for my raw nose
Tylenol and Motrin
Homemade chicken soup
DVR'd tv shows like the third season of Downton Abbey (sh.......don't tell the rest of the story) and Shark Tank
Lysol wipes-what for I don't know. We are both sick
A soothing drink of honey, ginger, lemon, and whiskey. The more whiskey, the better.  I didn't cough all night! Ha!
Oh...and my iPad.

Wish I were still there!!!!!

Stay well and have a lovely Sunday

Friday, March 22, 2013


The snow on the way home in Kentucky

I have a code in my nose picked up in some hotel room no doubt.  Goodness knows I was so careful at all the rest stops washing my had thoroughly.  Well it's been a few years since I had one so I guess I am due.  
In the news also we have become the child-care givers for Joy Boy again because his new nanny quit and we are here until Karen finds another one or a day care for him.  If anyone know anyone who could do it, let me know.  
I am still not fond of the weather here; it's not to my liking.  I was glad to see the snow-drops blooming while it was snowing yesterday.  And the robin was looking into the frozen tundra for his worm.  I'm afraid he will have to have frozen dinners for awhile longer.  
You know the difference between the south and the north is so striking it is hard to believe that last week at this time I had been finishing up packing so I could sit in the sun all day on Friday which we did.  I want just a little more sun and little more warmth and I will be a happy camper.  
And Hooray!  I finally finished unpacking!!
Who can pass up a pedicure (oooh it was a good one) and then sitting in the sun in a sheltered area. the palm trees,,,and the sun

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Coming Home....

is so hard to do...!  
After a kind of rough drive home; there is unpacking.  And unpacking for a month takes a whole week or more.  Everything is wrinkled and you have to wash it or throw it in the dryer or iron; did I say IRON?  No no no, not unless absolutely necessary.  And the weather here?  It is pretty hard to take for EVERYONE and especially for those who come home from green and beautiful Florida.  
Lest I sound like I am whining...I am just explaining why it's been so long since I have blogged.  I have lots of pictures to download and I just got an email from Shutterfly for a free book.  
I have some kind of sinus infection or cold and the Donald seems to be coming down with it.  Joy Boy and his mom are sick and we had him over Tuesday and Wednesday to help out.  
I never feel like a blog is complete if you don't have pictures to go with the blog, so hang on, the pictures are coming. 
Now, I promise myself I will finish unpacking so I can get back to my life.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Mile In My Shoes

...or two miles.  There is nothing like walking on the beach.  Every day Don and I would walk a mile to the pier and a mile back, picking up interesting shells on the way-having long talks or just being silent and listening to the waves.  We solved a lot of life's problems as we walked which you always do with a friend when walking together.  
Now, since we are at the Holiday Inn and it was a rainy, windy cold day yesterday there was no walk on the beach.  So, last night we walked up and down the stairs and down the hallways of the hotel's five floors and we ended up in the fitness center and Don walked on the treadmill and I rode the bike.  Wow, the bike was harder than I remember.  I need to practice up at the Rec Center when I get home.  
We got some more clothes late yesterday afternoon and we will get the rest today.  We feel like we are living out of our car right now with bags of unrelated clothes in each bag.  I must say they are all folded really nice and the gal that is doing them is so nice.  I don't envy her at all and I have thanked her many times as well as apologizing for the hissy fit I had when I found out they all had to be washed.  
I got a couple of new bumps yesterday; hopefully that is the end of the new ones.  I am thankful they don't itch too much.  I have found much to be thankful for these last two days and today I have promised myself I won't complain today about our situation.  We might go back to Dunedin and Honeymoon Island.  Today is another day with higher than normal northwest winds, but the sun is out and the high is supposed to be 72.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite........

Caution: This blog is not for the weak or squeamish.
That little saying took on a whole different meaning Sunday when we found there were bedbugs in the bed I had been camping out in when the snorer gets going.  We waited all afternoon to find out why the housekeepers didn't finish cleaning our room.  And then we found out....Eeek as the bites keep showing up on my body. We found out we had to move to a hotel while they got rid of them
Then yesterday we found out they had to wash all our clothes in hot water twice and dry them twice. WE did not know we had to have our clothes washed and we already had them packed to move to the Hotel.   They set us up in a Holiday Inn because they had no other units open at their place.  Hopefully we can go back Wednesday night or Thursday morning.  Meanwhile they keep handing us plastic bags of clothes which are all over the car in the back seat. Imagine carrying plastic bags into the Holiday Inn.  I had to buy a pair of longer pants at Beall's Outlet so I bought a big cute beach bag to put what stuff I had in it.  
Bedbugs can happen anywhere and we were taught how to look for them in hotel rooms under the mattresses.   
Needless to say I was upset and washing some of my new clothes or old clothes for that matter in hot water may mean I will never wear them because they will shrink. The bites keep showing up in different places on my body which creeps me out.  
It's too bad this had to happen on our last week, but hey things happen.  We are welcome to use the pool and sit in the sun back at our condo, but alas it is raining now so we are going to stay put for awhile at the Holiday Inn.  I feel like a displaced person and home is starting to look good.  We leave Saturday morning.   

Friday, March 8, 2013

Can You Say........

*It's hard to blog when you have friends visit for the week
*Except for Tuesday it has been a cool, windy, but sunny week
*My computer hasn't worked all week
*We are starting our last week here and it is going to be the nicest week :)
*We went to Dunedin Wednesday and did some shopping and ate at a cute cafe called "Sweet Peas Cafe."  The food was so good that Donaldo and I might go back next week.  
*It is only 65 right now with 15 mph NW winds
*Our friends bought us breakfast at the coffee shop this morning.  We love their egg sandwiches.  
*Our friends are going home tomorrow morning.  I think they wanted a taste of the Florida life and that's what they got-a taste.  
*I have pictures, but haven't uploaded them yet
*I am reading a new book by Jodi Picoult called "The Storyteller."  It is riveting!  
*We are going out for Mexican food tonight.  
*This is dedicated to Kristen :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Florida Sun Times-Monday

It looks like the cold spell will break today.  It is 44 degrees right now with a north wind.  It looks like the north wind will stay around until tomorrow and then will change to south.  I think yesterday, with the 25 mph winds, was the coldest I have seen here in Florida.  Uncle Buck at home said it almost sounds like Michigan.  I agree except we have NO SNOW!!!

We spent the weekend doing little things and going a few places. Yesterday we went to church and heard a wonderful speaker; he was a former Muslim from Iran.  He said the underground churches are growing in Iran and he teaches men how to go and start a church. He inspired us to go out and share the Gospel; very compelling!  
The church was supposed to have a picnic after the service, but it was cancelled due to cold weather!  We tried to find a place to eat lunch, but there was a wait at the two places we wanted to try so we went to the coffee shop and had a breakfast sandwich and split a muffin.  It was very good especially since we were so hungry.

Our Scotland friends are coming today-renting a place right across from us.  They decided the last minute that they had to GET OUT OF MICHIGAN.  They will be here until Saturday.   

A trip to the post office, a stop at Publix and then a walk on the beach are in the plans for this morning.  Hopefully we can sit outside this afternoon.  I have missed that. 

Happy Monday to you!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Florida Sun Times

I am sitting at the desk in the sun room and I just watched the sun come up.  I thought "Yea! sun today."  But it was quickly swallowed up by a thick blanket of clouds.  
Yesterday we saw more clouds than sun and temperatures were in the low 60's with a cold north wind.  This is not whining or complaining it is just the facts folks.  So we:

*went to the post office to get our mail
*went down to St. John's pass to shop and get something for the grandkids (and grammy/mimi:)
*went to the Publix to get a few things we needed
*had lunch at Chick-Fil-A; a chicken wrap sandwich and their new chicken tortilla soup
*Don went for a walk when we got back; I am too chicken about that north wind.
*I made some cards and went to the mail box and the beach store to get more tatoo's for the kids. 
*We walked to the coffee shop and Donaldo had his coffee and a banana muffin and I had chai tea latte (and a bite of the muffin)
*We read in the afternoon; Donaldo did read a little while down by the pool area; I stayed inside.  Did I mention I don't like the cold north wind?
*Donaldo made a yummy pizza.  We watched TV and read until bed around 10 p.m. 

Today?  We will see. Sounds like a repeat of yesterday. It will stay cool until Monday, but Tuesday looks even better.

Bright sun coming up over the inter-coastal 

It hits the clouds and I can only see the bottom ot the sun.  It is drizzling now


Friday, March 1, 2013

Florida Sun Times

Leading article:  Seashells down by the seashore.  There seems to be a lack of shells this year or...they are all broken. Everyday as we walk, we are hopeful that we will find some good ones.  But all there seems to be are the cat paws.  We did find two Welks yesterday that had only had a tiny piece broken off and that is okay with me; it went in the bag. We need one of the grandkids to come and help us.  

The flowers and the palm trees are what really make me happy and the Hibiscus this year are beautiful.  

As promised I will include some pictures today.

Cat Paws

Giant Hibiscus bloom

I took this one after it rained.  You can see the water droplets on it

A walk in the mangroves

A white Heron which only lives in Southern Florida

A tiny reptile sunning itself

Bird Paradise

    The weather forecast for today is partly sunny; high 63.  I think we will be running some errands today; mail and shop and hopefully we can get out in the sun in the afternoon. 


Thursday, February 28, 2013

Florida Sun Times

It's was 6:00 a.m. and I saw a shadow down by the inter-coastal. I wondered if it was a bush, because it was so still.  And then I saw a hand move to the mouth and realized it was a woman smoking.  All I thought was "What a waste of a beautiful sunrise and fresh air."  

We did our usual walk on the beach this morning down to the pier; picking up sea shells as we walk; no easy fete to keep your pace up at the same time.  There have been slim pickins for the shells except for cat paws.  That's what I call them anyway.  They are spiny on the top.  I don't know if that is the official name of them or just something I made up.  
I did find a scallop today which are my favorite shells. 

The weather is cooling down for the weekend, but will be 73 today and partly sunny.  We are thinking of going to Desoto Park; we have heard there are good shells there.

Pictures?? probably tomorrows blog :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Florida Sun TImes

Leading article:  DID HE JUMP OR DID HE FALL?  In the condo right across the street from us a man fell to his death from a third floor balcony.  According to our eyewitness Fran, the area was closed off and the man laid there for several hours while the scene was investigated and the medical examiner came.  She was sitting in the front of her unit which faces the condo in question.  Yellow police tape still surrounds the area.  The area is right where we access the beach and we had been by there in the morning to walk the beach.  Luckily we missed it all except for the sound of all the emergency vehicles.  

Weather:  The day was cloudy with some bursts of sun especially in the afternoon.  We sat outside most of the day with trips to our condo for lunch, bathroom, snacks etc.  A cold front is coming in today and will cool things off for the rest of the week. There is a high wind warning and severe thunder storm warning today.  Saturday and Sunday look especially cool (again)  It is part of the cold front sweeping across the nation that is dumping snow in Chicago and Detroit.  Thankfully we will be here.

Today Donaldo is going to try and get his swim in; good luck to him.  We are going to run a few errands this morning.  

The coffee is ready, the tea has to be made and breakfast to be decided.  Hoping for a snow day for all the kids and teacher moms!  

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Three songs

A rather large banana muffin and oh, so good!!
Beautiful Hibiscus

We really like our church down here; the pastor is great and the people are friendly.  We went out to eat after church and ate outside even though it is cloudy, it is still warm.  Then, when we got back they had just finished cleaning our unit and the floors were wet, so we walked to the coffee shop and Don had a coffee and I had a chai tea and we shared a rather large banana muffin.  
During singing at church today I noticed three lines to three different songs.  You know how certain songs just kind of touch you?  The lines were:
"Our God reigns forever and ever."
"Come to Jesus, He will make you whole."
"All to Jesus, I surrender."  

It's cloudy out right now and there is a little drizzle; we are making the most of our sun room :) as you will see in the picture below.  
Donaldo thought this was a good use for the chairs we brought-great idea!

Lunch outside