As I contemplate this past year, all I can think is how fast it went by. In fact, the years just seem to be slipping past me and I wonder how I got to be this age; I remember my mother at this age. People have said that "age is just a state of mind," but it is also the state of your body, believe me! HA!
It was a hard year for me this year with my health and depression and I still have bouts of it from time to time; but I have learned a lot and have drawn closer to the Lord.
Here are just a few favorites of this year:
*Kevin and Audrey moved home from St. Louis in May
*Our Florida trip for a month in February/March
*I discovered "Pinterest." Oh such fun and addiction!
*I think my favorite book was "Killing Lincoln" by Bill O'Reilly and then "Killing Kenndy" by the same author
*My favorite TV show/s were "Dancing With the Stars" and "American Idol."
*I loved going to Schwartz's to get our flowers and I loved our flowers this year.
*My favorite food was a baked potato because that was the only thing I could eat many nights. I am eating much more now.
*We loved watching the hummingbirds and the deer were more scarce this year.
We are staying home tonight and hoping to stay up until midnight.
Have a Happy New Year!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Christmas 2012
This is a tall order to recap this Christmas because we have had so many celebrations. How do you capture all the moments and fun times? We were supposed to be celebrating one more Christmas this weekend with Kristen and family in the Chicago area, but Donaldo got Karen's cold and we couldn't go.
It started Christmas Eve with Karen and family. On Christmas Eve I made a Chicken Macaroni and Cheese that I got off Pinterest. It was really tasty. It also called for broccoli, but I put that on the side.
Karen and Raymond and kids celebrated Christmas day with us too and we kept it low-key. Karen and Brady went home sick.
Karen and Brady Christmas morning |
Riley and Addy |
Maddie and Riley |
Amelia and Maddie in their roller skating skirts |
Of course that was the afternoon and night of the first snowstorm of the season. People were late and left earlier than last year because of the storm. But I think everyone liked it and the kids had fun climbing the Rock Wall.
Riley on her first climb |
Riley on her second climb |
Maddie looked so little climbing up the wall |
Karen told me not to let Riley eat too many sweets, but I thought that wasn't what she should worry about after I saw Riley in her harness start climbing the wall. She made it to the top on her second try.
Kevin and Audrey spent the night so they didn't have to drive home in the snow and the girls loved that. They all left the next day after breakfast.
So, we look forward to the new year, hoping Donaldo gets better soon and I don't get sick.
My dad and I at the family Christmas party |
Me, Riley and my dad. He is actually smiling here |
Monday, December 24, 2012
Christmas Eve 2012
One can't help reflect on past Christmas Eve's. Eight years ago today, my mom found out her cancer had returned in several places. I remember her call to me so well...we were both in shock and I cried the rest of the afternoon. It was her last Christmas and everyone knew it; especially her. That was the saddest Christmas we ever had.
But she is in heaven now celebrating with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and we on earth are celebrating His coming too.
In the business of the day today; I want peace and thankfulness to rule in my heart and I want to be thankful for His coming and look forward to His coming back again soon (I hope).
Sarah Young says: "As you celebrate the wonder of My birth in Bethlehem, celebrate also your rebirth into eternal life. This everlasting gift was the sole purpose of My entering your sin-stained world. Receive My gift with awe and humility. Take time to explore the vast dimensions of my love. Allow thankfulness to flow freely from your heart in response to my glorious gift. Let My peace rule in your heart and be thankful."
"To them (us) God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." Colossians 1:27
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15
We have a lot to do today, we are a day behind because of losing our electricity. But I want peace to rule in my heart and I want to be thankful.
As we have dinner tonight with four of our blessings; I will be thankful for them and for my other blessings that cannot be with us. When we go to church tonight, I want to be thankful that Christ also came to the Gentiles and I am one of His and He gives me peace.
May you be thankful and have God's peace with you during this Holy holiday.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
From The Heart
In this time of busyness, we need to take time to reflect on what we are celebrating.
"I am King of Kings and Lord of Lords, dwelling in dazzlingly bight Light! I am also your Shepherd, Companion, and Friend-the One who never lets go of your hand. Worship me in My holy Majesty; come close to Me, and rest in my Presence. You need Me both as God and man. Only My Incarnation on that first, long-ago Christmas could fulfill your neediness. Since I went to such extreme measures to save you from your sins, you can be assured that I will graciously give you all you need. Nurture well your trust in Me as Savior Lord, and Friend. ...My light will shine through you into the world." Sarah Young
"Come let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;
for his is our God and we are the people of His pasture,
the flock under his care." Psalm 95:6-7
The things I think I need to do are nothing compared to taking time to worship Him. Things on earth are so temporary; Take time to dwell on these words and their meaning.
"I am King of Kings and Lord of Lords, dwelling in dazzlingly bight Light! I am also your Shepherd, Companion, and Friend-the One who never lets go of your hand. Worship me in My holy Majesty; come close to Me, and rest in my Presence. You need Me both as God and man. Only My Incarnation on that first, long-ago Christmas could fulfill your neediness. Since I went to such extreme measures to save you from your sins, you can be assured that I will graciously give you all you need. Nurture well your trust in Me as Savior Lord, and Friend. ...My light will shine through you into the world." Sarah Young
"Come let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;
for his is our God and we are the people of His pasture,
the flock under his care." Psalm 95:6-7
The things I think I need to do are nothing compared to taking time to worship Him. Things on earth are so temporary; Take time to dwell on these words and their meaning.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
No Electricity
Time: 9:30 last night
What: Big BOOM
Next: Darkness
Next: Silence
Next: The Donald says "Let's go to bed."
4:00 a.m.: I awake and am freezing and can't sleep
Next: Go downstairs and turn the fireplace on and the lantern
Next: Try to read
Next: Don comes down and warms up
Next: We go back to bed and sleep until 7:30
Next: Don hooks up generator and runs all kinds of extension cords to lights, refrigerator.
Next: The neighbor across the street (who has his electricity) helps Don hook extension cord to the furnace.
Next: Don goes to Home Depot and gets extension cord to run to elderly neighbor's refrigerator who lives alone.
Next: Hooks her up
12:30 PM Electricity comes back on
What: Big BOOM
Next: Darkness
Next: Silence
Next: The Donald says "Let's go to bed."
4:00 a.m.: I awake and am freezing and can't sleep
Next: Go downstairs and turn the fireplace on and the lantern
Next: Try to read
Next: Don comes down and warms up
Next: We go back to bed and sleep until 7:30
Next: Don hooks up generator and runs all kinds of extension cords to lights, refrigerator.
Next: The neighbor across the street (who has his electricity) helps Don hook extension cord to the furnace.
Next: Don goes to Home Depot and gets extension cord to run to elderly neighbor's refrigerator who lives alone.
Next: Hooks her up
12:30 PM Electricity comes back on
Friday, December 21, 2012
We called my mother's father Pe'pe.' Her mother had died when my mom was thirteen years old so we only know her through her pictures.
Pe'pe' was quite a character. He was a big ole hunk of man and was quite brusque and loud. He smoke a pipe and cigars and my mom kept a bean-bag ashtray for him. I remember him sitting in a chair by the window smoking.
He would sometimes come and spend a few nights and sometimes he and my mom would have some heated discussions. He would get his hair cut here with clippers and would sing at the top of his lungs. I remember "Ole Sole' Mio and something about File' Gumbo; and I'm not sure the spelling is correct on those.
His relatives came from Quebec (originally France) and settled in Boston before some of them came here. They all have French names.
I was just a little bit afraid of him; just enough to keep a little distance between us. He was a car salesman before he retired and I am sure he was the perfect salesman.
He was the first person I knew to die. I was about fifteen.
He was quite a character and I am sure some of our relatives have some of his looks and personality.
Pe'pe' was quite a character. He was a big ole hunk of man and was quite brusque and loud. He smoke a pipe and cigars and my mom kept a bean-bag ashtray for him. I remember him sitting in a chair by the window smoking.
He would sometimes come and spend a few nights and sometimes he and my mom would have some heated discussions. He would get his hair cut here with clippers and would sing at the top of his lungs. I remember "Ole Sole' Mio and something about File' Gumbo; and I'm not sure the spelling is correct on those.
His relatives came from Quebec (originally France) and settled in Boston before some of them came here. They all have French names.
I was just a little bit afraid of him; just enough to keep a little distance between us. He was a car salesman before he retired and I am sure he was the perfect salesman.
He was the first person I knew to die. I was about fifteen.
He was quite a character and I am sure some of our relatives have some of his looks and personality.
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Pe'pe' walking my mom down the aisle |
Thursday, December 20, 2012
School Days 2
Wow, I get so busy; I don't have time to write. But since I am up early, this is perfect. I was looking for a picture I have of the "Ford Rotunda" that was popular back in the 50's. But alas, when you want to find some thing you usually can't. Leave it to me and Donaldo; every year we can't find a Christmas gift or two. It's really frustrating. I think secretly we blame each other...ha!
Anyway my story left off in Mrs. Wozniak's second grade classroom. We were going on a field trip to the Ford Rotunda. It was a round building and used for big events. At Christmas they decorated it all with beautiful lights and decorations and we were going to go there.
We had to pick partners and I had this boy I liked (imagine! Way back in second grade). The boy's name was Howard and he was the shy, quiet type. (I always went for that type, but didn't marry one!)
The day of the trip, my mom wanted me to wear my leggings and I didn't want to. I was embarrassed to wear them around my "boy friend." But, my mom won the debate and I wore them.
But when I got to school I took the suspenders off because I think they embarrassed me the most. So during the bus ride to the Rotunda, I sat by Howard proudly. We walked into the rotunda and walked around looking at the beautiful lights and decorations leggings kept falling down and.... I had to keep pulling them up; practically holding them up the whole time. Talk about embarrassment, I could have crawled in a hole until the whole trip was over. There I was with the nice, studious Howard walking around holding my leggings up. I do believe it was my "first" embarrassing moment!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
The Weekend
Here we's Tuesday week until Christmas...Eeek!
We were so shocked by the shooting in Connecticut at Sandy Hook School. The images never stop and we are shocked as a nation and individuals. There is so much I could write about this, but most of it has been said. As I think about my own little grandchildren and my daughter in school, that little niggle of fear comes and then I pray for the Lord to keep them safe.
Saturday night we went to Capri K's for a small group dinner. Her Honey had made Manicotti (Okay, spell check, it is a word.) It was delicious along with the garlic bread. People brought appetizers, salad, dessert (me) and there was a luscious chocolate cake. It was the first "BIG EAT" of Christmas :)
Sunday was church and reading and napping.
Monday was cleaning up and wrapping.
Tuesday I am getting back to my prayer journal
And focus on things eternal.
(I had to make it rhyme:)
I will get back to my Memoirs tomorrow.......Have a great day!
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My fruit trifle. |
Saturday, December 15, 2012
School Days Part I
Generally, I liked school, but I do remember getting a "stomach ache" some days and staying home. I don't know what that is about, but I think it is more common in girls than boys.
My school was big-two floors and I still remember little details about it. My favorite subjects were reading and writing....oh and science. My least favorite was arithmetic; I just didn't "get it." I did okay in it until I got to fifth grade-Mr. Kilgren's class and he taught fractions that year. I think I tuned him out when the subject came up and therefore I do not know too much about fractions.
The library was my favorite classroom in the whole school with BIG tables and BIG chairs and rows and rows of books. I remember reading all the Beverly Cleary books like "Henry Higgens" and "Bezus and Romona."
The science room had a greenhouse and that is where I first wanted a greenhouse. But, that dream will probably never come true now. The Donald never liked the idea. I liked the science teacher; funny, I remember what he looked like, but don't remember his name.
My kindergarten teacher was Mrs. Weber and I have already mentioned her red shoes in a previous blog. I had fun in kindergarten; I remember doing a lot of games, music and art.
My first grade teacher was Mrs. Gaskin. She was severe in looks and mannerisms and I was afraid of her. That's probably when I had all the "stomach aches." Every day while we said the Pledge Allegiance, she changed her shoes and put on hand lotion. Funny, the things you remember.
My second grade teacher was Mrs. Wozniak. She was very nice and we did a lot of writing and illustrating in her class. I remeber bringing in a book that my mom gave me and reading a poem out loud to the class. I had a boyfriend in 2nd grade; his name was Howard. There is a funny story about Howard and me.....Tomorrow.
My school was big-two floors and I still remember little details about it. My favorite subjects were reading and writing....oh and science. My least favorite was arithmetic; I just didn't "get it." I did okay in it until I got to fifth grade-Mr. Kilgren's class and he taught fractions that year. I think I tuned him out when the subject came up and therefore I do not know too much about fractions.
The library was my favorite classroom in the whole school with BIG tables and BIG chairs and rows and rows of books. I remember reading all the Beverly Cleary books like "Henry Higgens" and "Bezus and Romona."
The science room had a greenhouse and that is where I first wanted a greenhouse. But, that dream will probably never come true now. The Donald never liked the idea. I liked the science teacher; funny, I remember what he looked like, but don't remember his name.
My kindergarten teacher was Mrs. Weber and I have already mentioned her red shoes in a previous blog. I had fun in kindergarten; I remember doing a lot of games, music and art.
My first grade teacher was Mrs. Gaskin. She was severe in looks and mannerisms and I was afraid of her. That's probably when I had all the "stomach aches." Every day while we said the Pledge Allegiance, she changed her shoes and put on hand lotion. Funny, the things you remember.
My second grade teacher was Mrs. Wozniak. She was very nice and we did a lot of writing and illustrating in her class. I remeber bringing in a book that my mom gave me and reading a poem out loud to the class. I had a boyfriend in 2nd grade; his name was Howard. There is a funny story about Howard and me.....Tomorrow.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Vacations Part 2
One of the places we went several years in a row was to Wasaga Beach near Collingwood, Ontario. My mom and dad spent their honeymoon there. It wasn't too far from where my grandmother was born in Stayner, Ontario. My grandma and grandpa went with us and sometimes I got to drive with them. I loved it. My grandma would get me to journal while we were driving and put the time and city we went through. I still do that now especially when we are driving to Florida to break up the monotony of the drive.
My grandma's sister Emma was still alive then and her husband Joe would play horseshoes by the hour with my grandfather.
My cousin Patsy lived in Barrie, Ontario and her parents would bring her for the day; and we had a lot of fun together. She was a little older than me and I really liked her. I just reconnected with her on facebook a few weeks ago.
Near Wasaga Beach were the Blue Mountains and there was horseback riding and hikes and look-out points and an Indian Village. A few years ago Don and I took a trip to Collingwood and the Blue Mountains had a huge ski resort and there was nothing at the beach that even resembled where we had stayed. But it was a great trip that brought back a lot of memories.
My grandma's sister Emma was still alive then and her husband Joe would play horseshoes by the hour with my grandfather.
My cousin Patsy lived in Barrie, Ontario and her parents would bring her for the day; and we had a lot of fun together. She was a little older than me and I really liked her. I just reconnected with her on facebook a few weeks ago.
Near Wasaga Beach were the Blue Mountains and there was horseback riding and hikes and look-out points and an Indian Village. A few years ago Don and I took a trip to Collingwood and the Blue Mountains had a huge ski resort and there was nothing at the beach that even resembled where we had stayed. But it was a great trip that brought back a lot of memories.
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My sister Jan on the left, Mark, John me and my cousin Patsy. We are sitting on the back of my dad's buick |
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Since I was born on 07/07 I have always been interested in the dates that are all the same. Some people I know even try to get the time included in writing....which my sister-in-law did today. 12:12 p.m. on 12/12/12 and because she knows I like these kinds of things with the dates written on them; she sent me an email at the exact time. In 1977, my mom suggested that I get something with 07/07/77 written on it. So I got a pretty I.D. bracelet and had it engraved on the back. On 09/09/09 I got a charm with the date written on it. And for my birthday on 07/07/07 I asked everyone to get me something with the date written on it. I got a frame and some mugs and a key chain with the date on them. This is the last century we will be able to do this. Although, another sister-in-law told me to keep Jan 3, 1913 in mind because it will be 1/3/13. One year I had everyone write me an email and tell me what they were doing on 06/06/06. That was before I used face book.
Today Donaldo took me out for breakfast to mark the occasion. We set up Santa's shop and wrapped this morning, now he wants to play a game of Sequence with me because I have beat him in Scrabble twice. He has a competitive spirit and doesn't like to loose...yes.....that's true; mild mannered Donaldo.
I am making some ornaments later that I got off Pinterest and I will write today's date on them.
What did you do today?
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Vacations Part 1
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This is a classic family picture. My mom was a good sport to do this! |
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I took this picture of my mom and brothers and sisters in front of the pup tent. They all loved camping. |
This isn't the first vacation we had, but it is the vacation that I learned to detest camping. My mom and dad rented a camper and the three girls slept in the camper and the boys slept in a pup tent. There were five of us then, number 6 hadn't been born yet.
We camped the first couple of nights at a beautiful rustic place called "Clear Lake." It was beautiful I must admit, but the outhouse....was a big turn off for me. I like creature comforts-the basics you running water, real toilets, my own bed and lots of space. I was very claustrophobic in the camper and had trouble sleeping (yes even way back then). One night I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I woke up my sister Magnolia and she agreed to go with me if I carried her piggy-back. She was afraid of snakes. So I carried her to the outhouse and put her down and did my business quickly and we went back. But alas, the door to the trailer was stuck and creaked as we went back in and we woke up my parents...and we had tired to be so quiet!
The next and last place we went this vacation was at a beautiful campground near the Mackinac Bridge. It had running water, showers and toilets. But...for me, it was still kind of basic and THERE WERE OTHER PEOPLE around when you went to the bathroom or took a shower and I STILL didn't like going in the night. For some reason this is a big deal for me. I have to admit it was a nice week we spent there; they even had a library which helped ease my pain about the bathrooms.
I never went camping again. By the time they seriously started camping, I stayed home with my grandparents. I have probably missed out on some great adventures, but I like the creature comfort of house and home.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
A friend posted on Pinterest that the word "fear" is mentioned 365 times in the Bible. That is one verse for every day of the year. I thought I would look one up each day and write it down. I found one for today: "I did not receive a spirit of slavery again to fear, but I received Your Spirit of adoption by whom I cry, 'Abba, Father.' The Spirit Himself testifies with my spirit that I am your child, Oh God." Romans 8:15-16
Sundays were special at our house when I was young. When I was really little, I remember that I had to wear my dress all day because we went back to church at night. When I was older that little rule was rescinded; for which I was grateful.
Every Saturday night I remember my mom washing my hair in the kitchen sink and curling it with sponge rollers. Then she wrapped a narrow band of stretchy material around the curlers and tied it in the front-I know cute, cute....NOT.
But Sunday certainly was the Sabbath and a day to honor the Lord. My dad made a rule that we couldn't watch TV on Sunday so I missed a few shows that I liked including the "Mickey Mouse Club." When it first came on, it was on Sunday.
We had dinner at noon; usually pot roast or some other meal you could put in the oven before church. Sometimes we had the preacher over for dinner; now THAT was scary. Our church did not have pastors, so we would get visiting preachers that stayed with someone in the church, but made the rounds of different families for dinner. We were always told not to take too much food so there would be enough.
Occasionally we got a rare treat; going to Bates Hamburgers and getting ten burgers for one dollar. There were no McDonald's yet.
Some Sundays we went to a friend's house or had a friend over; that was always fun and something different to do.
We played games or did crafts or homework in the afternoon and then went back to church at night. When I was a teenager I took a nap every Sunday afternoon....after I helped with the dishes.
I am thankful that I was taught the word of God so faithfully and that I was saved at the age of eight. I was a Sunday School teacher for the little ones at age sixteen and thus began my long career as a Sunday School teacher. My dad made the little desks that the children sat in. I loved being a teacher.
When I started dating Donaldo we often went to church together at my church or his church. I loved Sundays with him because we didn't see each other during the week. He was a college student still and lived some distance from me. He worked on Saturday so Sundays were special. We always went out to eat Sunday nights after church.
Happy Sunday to you today...may it be a special day set apart for God.
Sundays were special at our house when I was young. When I was really little, I remember that I had to wear my dress all day because we went back to church at night. When I was older that little rule was rescinded; for which I was grateful.
Every Saturday night I remember my mom washing my hair in the kitchen sink and curling it with sponge rollers. Then she wrapped a narrow band of stretchy material around the curlers and tied it in the front-I know cute, cute....NOT.
But Sunday certainly was the Sabbath and a day to honor the Lord. My dad made a rule that we couldn't watch TV on Sunday so I missed a few shows that I liked including the "Mickey Mouse Club." When it first came on, it was on Sunday.
We had dinner at noon; usually pot roast or some other meal you could put in the oven before church. Sometimes we had the preacher over for dinner; now THAT was scary. Our church did not have pastors, so we would get visiting preachers that stayed with someone in the church, but made the rounds of different families for dinner. We were always told not to take too much food so there would be enough.
Occasionally we got a rare treat; going to Bates Hamburgers and getting ten burgers for one dollar. There were no McDonald's yet.
Some Sundays we went to a friend's house or had a friend over; that was always fun and something different to do.
We played games or did crafts or homework in the afternoon and then went back to church at night. When I was a teenager I took a nap every Sunday afternoon....after I helped with the dishes.
I am thankful that I was taught the word of God so faithfully and that I was saved at the age of eight. I was a Sunday School teacher for the little ones at age sixteen and thus began my long career as a Sunday School teacher. My dad made the little desks that the children sat in. I loved being a teacher.
When I started dating Donaldo we often went to church together at my church or his church. I loved Sundays with him because we didn't see each other during the week. He was a college student still and lived some distance from me. He worked on Saturday so Sundays were special. We always went out to eat Sunday nights after church.
Happy Sunday to you today...may it be a special day set apart for God.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Summer and Winter Games
Childhood was a carefree time in many ways...and we had all the "old fashioned" games and toys that kids used to play. My dad made us a pair of stilts and we got pretty good on walking on them. We had a pogo stick and both of these became the favorite toys of the neighborhood.
We played marbles and it was great fun to trade our "cat eyes" and "peeries." The big marbles were called "boulders;" that was the biggest trade of all. We used to play them in the driveway up against the garage.
I played with paper dolls with my two next-door neighbor girlfriends; we named the dolls and played with them for hours.
In the summer we had a lemonade stand and a cup of lemonade was five cents.
We played tag after dinner in the summer and hide-and-go-seek until the streetlights came on. One night I was running and hopping fences and I snagged the back of my leg on the sharp fence prong and ripped it right open. I can still remember the pain!
One summer we put on a circus; I was always the planner of parties, clubs and the school teacher when we played school.
Oh, and roller skating....we had the old-fashioned kind that were metal and you put your whole shoe in them. You had a key that tightened the skates and I wore the key on a chain around my neck.
In the winter my dad made an ice pond and faithfully went out every night and sprayed it with the hose so it would be nice and smooth for us. My brothers played hockey and my friends and I practiced spins and twirls that we learned at the outdoor ice rink by our house. The rink was at a golf course and in the winter we went sledding there and they had the outdoor rink where we watched older girls skate with ease. Needless to say; one Christmas I got new ice skates.
Those were the carefree days of childhood and I cherish the memories!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Christmas Past
No wonder my mom got all stressed out at's a lot of work. Every year I try to make it smaller and smaller as my mom did when she got older.
I don't remember too many Christmases in the old house for some reason. I remember the time we got a cardboard store with a cash register and play food to put on the shelves. That was so much fun to play with.
I believe I have mentioned before my dad reading to me "The Girl in the Yellow Dress" that came in the paper on Christmas Eve. He was a great dramatic reader and could use different accents and voices that made any story quite funny.
I remember the Christmas we moved into our current house; December 20th. The house was not done, but we moved anyway because the people were moving into our old house. Also my mom wanted us to go to our new schools after New Years. We had bare floors and a lot missing, but we had Christmas anyway, because my mom loved Christmas.
She had a ritual for Christmas Eve. She wrapped presents during the day in her bedroom with the door closed. We got Chinese food for dinner and then we had to wait while she took her bath and we got ready for bed. Then we all got to open one present which almost always was a pair of slippers. But we were excited anyway. Then we had Christmas cookies that she had made and eggnog. Then we went to bed after putting out cookies and milk for Santa. This tradition started when I was little and then continued with the little ones after me. I am almost sure that I heard the reindeer on the roof one time when I was little.
My most memorable gift was a fluffy white "can can" slip that was oh, so in fashion. I thought I was the cat's meow! I do remember getting "Little Women" and "Little Men" by Louisa May Alcott. The very first books I remember were "The Bobbsey Twins" and the first gift I remember was my Tiny Tears Doll.
Later Don and I were start our own traditions with our children.
What is one of your favorite memories or gift?
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
All Around the Neighborhood
Growing up on the fringes of our home, were lots of places we could walk to. Because of the one-car-per family, I think they built a lot of stores close by the neighborhood that you could walk to.
On each side of me, were two girls my age, Claudia and Carol; both of them very cute. I felt like a giant next to them because I was so tall and skinny as a growing child....and by sixth grade I had to wear glasses-yes those funny glasses that you see in pictures of yesteryear. The three of us friends played pretty well together, but as in the case of three girls, sometimes one of us got mad as the other two paired off. I usually had to be the "leader," the "teacher," or the "president"-of some club I organized. I am sure I was a little bossy.
There was a "corner store" that was two or three blocks away, and often my mother would send me there for a loaf of bread or some milk. I do remember the bread costing a quarter.
In the same strip of stores was a hardware store called Bushey's and I remember being in there with my dad. It smelled like wood. I think they had lumber in the back.
We walked to school several blocks; and I remember my mom taking me to my first day of school. I cried as she left, but I loved my kindergarten teacher. She was pretty, young and had shoes and I loved them and her.
Down in the other direction of Bushey's was another strip of stores with a Kresge's and Cunningham drug store that had the round stools that you could sit on. We had ice cream there sometimes. The Kresge's had wooden floors and I loved that store. I was allowed to walk there with my friends when I was a little older-maybe 5th. grade. I remember one Easter when all the stores were closed on Good Friday from noon until 3:00. Yes they did that back then. When the stores reopened my friend and I walked up to Kresge's and the had fresh daffodils for sale. I remember buying them for my mom....I have liked daffodils ever since.
My BFF lived in the next block and we played together many times. There was a empty lot next to her house and we used to play Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. We made her younger sister play the horse.....funny....poor girl.
The thing I remember the most was playing tag in the summer until the "street lights" came on and then we all went in the house to get ready for bed. I have some fond memories of that neighborhood.
End of Part 4
On each side of me, were two girls my age, Claudia and Carol; both of them very cute. I felt like a giant next to them because I was so tall and skinny as a growing child....and by sixth grade I had to wear glasses-yes those funny glasses that you see in pictures of yesteryear. The three of us friends played pretty well together, but as in the case of three girls, sometimes one of us got mad as the other two paired off. I usually had to be the "leader," the "teacher," or the "president"-of some club I organized. I am sure I was a little bossy.
There was a "corner store" that was two or three blocks away, and often my mother would send me there for a loaf of bread or some milk. I do remember the bread costing a quarter.
In the same strip of stores was a hardware store called Bushey's and I remember being in there with my dad. It smelled like wood. I think they had lumber in the back.
We walked to school several blocks; and I remember my mom taking me to my first day of school. I cried as she left, but I loved my kindergarten teacher. She was pretty, young and had shoes and I loved them and her.
Down in the other direction of Bushey's was another strip of stores with a Kresge's and Cunningham drug store that had the round stools that you could sit on. We had ice cream there sometimes. The Kresge's had wooden floors and I loved that store. I was allowed to walk there with my friends when I was a little older-maybe 5th. grade. I remember one Easter when all the stores were closed on Good Friday from noon until 3:00. Yes they did that back then. When the stores reopened my friend and I walked up to Kresge's and the had fresh daffodils for sale. I remember buying them for my mom....I have liked daffodils ever since.
My BFF lived in the next block and we played together many times. There was a empty lot next to her house and we used to play Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. We made her younger sister play the horse.....funny....poor girl.
The thing I remember the most was playing tag in the summer until the "street lights" came on and then we all went in the house to get ready for bed. I have some fond memories of that neighborhood.
End of Part 4
Sunday, December 2, 2012
From The Heart
"For unto us child is born...and he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6
"You need my peace each moment to accomplish my purposes in your life.....When you keep your focus on Me, you experience both my presence and my peace. Worship me as King of kings, Lord of lords, and Prince of Peace...Walk with m along paths of peace; enjoy the journey in my presence." Sarah Young
I was privileged to be brought up in a Christian home with Christian parents and grandparents. I was saved at the age of eight and have been in God's word for over fifty years. Every day God impresses on my mind and heart the truth of his word over and over. Sometimes it is like reading it for the first time. Someday He will bring peace to this world. But in the meantime, I need to keep my focus on Him and experience his presence and his peace.
"You need my peace each moment to accomplish my purposes in your life.....When you keep your focus on Me, you experience both my presence and my peace. Worship me as King of kings, Lord of lords, and Prince of Peace...Walk with m along paths of peace; enjoy the journey in my presence." Sarah Young
I was privileged to be brought up in a Christian home with Christian parents and grandparents. I was saved at the age of eight and have been in God's word for over fifty years. Every day God impresses on my mind and heart the truth of his word over and over. Sometimes it is like reading it for the first time. Someday He will bring peace to this world. But in the meantime, I need to keep my focus on Him and experience his presence and his peace.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
I believe I left off at Grand Rapids and my dad having to go there for work. One December, my mom, me, and my brother took the train to Grand Rapids for the weekend so we could see my dad. I was about five years old. I remember the train station; it was so exciting. We stayed at a hotel and we were high enough up to see over the city. I thought we were in a huge city like New York because there were so many lights at night. There was a window seat and I remember sitting there coloring.
But, the thing I remember the most was a department store called Herpolsheimer's. There was a train that ran along the top of the walls and I remember being mesmerized by it going around and around. The best thing though, was Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer. When you rubbed his nose, a gift came down a shoot that you got to keep. It was wrapped in Christmas paper and bow. I think that is where I got the coloring book and crayons. We went to see Santa also, but I cried and wouldn't go near him.
If you have heard of the name Herpolsheimer's, it is because it was mentioned in "Polar Express." I read on the internet it is now a museum. I would love to visit it someday.
In the summer we stayed at a cottage near Grand Rapids called Gun Lake. I had my fifth birthday there and I remember learning to tie my shoes that day. I used to go around the lake with my dad in a fishing boat with a motor. There is a 35mm slide somewhere with me waving from the boat. I also remember slamming the screen door of the cottage on my fingers, and I am sure I remember the pain of that still.
End Of Part 2
But, the thing I remember the most was a department store called Herpolsheimer's. There was a train that ran along the top of the walls and I remember being mesmerized by it going around and around. The best thing though, was Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer. When you rubbed his nose, a gift came down a shoot that you got to keep. It was wrapped in Christmas paper and bow. I think that is where I got the coloring book and crayons. We went to see Santa also, but I cried and wouldn't go near him.
If you have heard of the name Herpolsheimer's, it is because it was mentioned in "Polar Express." I read on the internet it is now a museum. I would love to visit it someday.
In the summer we stayed at a cottage near Grand Rapids called Gun Lake. I had my fifth birthday there and I remember learning to tie my shoes that day. I used to go around the lake with my dad in a fishing boat with a motor. There is a 35mm slide somewhere with me waving from the boat. I also remember slamming the screen door of the cottage on my fingers, and I am sure I remember the pain of that still.
End Of Part 2
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Way Back When-sday
I am getting back is aching, I have two sore knees and my left foot hurts. The chiropractor says it is a subluxation in my neck. Ha! I knew suluxation wouldn't be a word! Isn't that a word they always use? He fixed me yesterday afternoon, but today I am hurting again. We will see what he says tomorrow. I am thinking I have done too much water walking after being off for three weeks. The hot tub sure comes in handy
For a long time I have wanted to write the Memoir of my life. In order to write one, you must have some life experiences to write about. I think I am in that category now. To write it on my blog, I will have to leave some personal information out so I will fill in the blanks later. What a good day to start it; on "Way Back When-sday."
My Life As I Remember It
I was born July_________at___________Hospital in_____________. My mother was_________________and my dad was______________. I was the first of their six children and my mom and dad were young; 19 and 21. We lived with my grandparents until I was one. They converted their 3 bedroom-one-bath, upstairs to a little apartment for my parents. My dad had been in World War II and after spending some time in France recovering from the gunshot wound across his back, he came home.
My dad was fair, freckled and had red hair. My mom was darker, with brown eyes and dark brown hair. She was beautiful! I am the only one of six children who looked more like my dad.
We moved into a brand new bungalow in____________. and my first memory is when my brother__________was born. I was two and I remember standing on the grass outside the hospital waving to my mom who was waving to me from her hospital window. Back then, women stayed in the hospital for ten days!
There were five of us born in that house until we finally moved to______________in____________.
Back in those days, my mother didn't have a car and I remember her pulling me and my brother in a wagon to an area of stores where she would shop. Sometimes my dad would get a ride to work and my mother would have the car for the day.
My dad worked at Ford Motor Company and worked his way up to supervisor. He worked long hours and traveled to Grand Rapids for work sometimes. Two of my favorite memories are of being in Grand Rapids.
End of Part One
For a long time I have wanted to write the Memoir of my life. In order to write one, you must have some life experiences to write about. I think I am in that category now. To write it on my blog, I will have to leave some personal information out so I will fill in the blanks later. What a good day to start it; on "Way Back When-sday."
![]() |
My mother in my grandparent's living room |
My Life As I Remember It
I was born July_________at___________Hospital in_____________. My mother was_________________and my dad was______________. I was the first of their six children and my mom and dad were young; 19 and 21. We lived with my grandparents until I was one. They converted their 3 bedroom-one-bath, upstairs to a little apartment for my parents. My dad had been in World War II and after spending some time in France recovering from the gunshot wound across his back, he came home.
My dad was fair, freckled and had red hair. My mom was darker, with brown eyes and dark brown hair. She was beautiful! I am the only one of six children who looked more like my dad.
We moved into a brand new bungalow in____________. and my first memory is when my brother__________was born. I was two and I remember standing on the grass outside the hospital waving to my mom who was waving to me from her hospital window. Back then, women stayed in the hospital for ten days!
There were five of us born in that house until we finally moved to______________in____________.
Back in those days, my mother didn't have a car and I remember her pulling me and my brother in a wagon to an area of stores where she would shop. Sometimes my dad would get a ride to work and my mother would have the car for the day.
My dad worked at Ford Motor Company and worked his way up to supervisor. He worked long hours and traveled to Grand Rapids for work sometimes. Two of my favorite memories are of being in Grand Rapids.
End of Part One
Monday, November 26, 2012
Thanksgiving Is Over.......
and now on to Christmas. We had a great Thanksgiving with lots of fun and games, talking and laughing. Yesterday afternoon after everyone was gone; it was quiet as a church mouse here in the house. Not a sound but me and Donaldo breathing as we sat in our chairs.
We both went to bed early but woke up at 4:30 a.m. and have been up ever since. We don't know what's with that, but we are still awake. We went swimming at 6:30 a.m. and were home by 8:00 a.m. I went shopping at Target'-haven't been there in awhile. My credit card shows it! I got Donaldo a new red coffee maker to go with his red pans and coffee grinder. Shhh.......
I picked out a few things for the new Michigan girls too. Then I made a stop at Michaels-I can never go there enough!
Now all is quiet; it is BSF night and this is the night I usually eat some really good, bad food.....bad for me that is.
I did some Cyber shopping too...that is not always as easy as it seems; especially when you forget your passwords. Today there was a lot of free shipping. Yes, I guess I am part of Cyber Monday even though I don't participate in Black Friday.
I will be working on my "homemade" Christmas tonight as I watch DWTS. Tonight is the finale, but I am behind a week.
I even got my Christmas cards ordered with a FAMILY PICTURE!!!!!
Now, that is progress!
We both went to bed early but woke up at 4:30 a.m. and have been up ever since. We don't know what's with that, but we are still awake. We went swimming at 6:30 a.m. and were home by 8:00 a.m. I went shopping at Target'-haven't been there in awhile. My credit card shows it! I got Donaldo a new red coffee maker to go with his red pans and coffee grinder. Shhh.......
I picked out a few things for the new Michigan girls too. Then I made a stop at Michaels-I can never go there enough!
Now all is quiet; it is BSF night and this is the night I usually eat some really good, bad food.....bad for me that is.
I did some Cyber shopping too...that is not always as easy as it seems; especially when you forget your passwords. Today there was a lot of free shipping. Yes, I guess I am part of Cyber Monday even though I don't participate in Black Friday.
I will be working on my "homemade" Christmas tonight as I watch DWTS. Tonight is the finale, but I am behind a week.
I even got my Christmas cards ordered with a FAMILY PICTURE!!!!!
Now, that is progress!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
The Museum Trip
I have a guest writer today who took a lot of time to write this blog.
Yo dudes! Cavan here. Yesterday Ryan, Papa and me went to the Henry Ford museum. Outside we saw giant posters of some new IMAX movies. When we got inside, an employee asked if we wanted to see the current movie about to play called the Rocky Mountain Express. He took us straight to the front of the ticket line and got us tickets immediately. Then we went up the elevator, the quick way we had never gone. He got us to the forty-five minute movie just as it was starting.
Afterwards, we went to the LEGO Architecture display and looked at all the giant models of the coolest buildings in the world. The model of the tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa, was seventeen feet tall, made out of about 450,000 bricks. We went to the free build section and built a cool black pyramid. Dad is watching me type right now. After the LEGO display, we went to the cafe and got some muffins and pop. Papa got some coffee and shared his banana muffin with me. Ryan got Mountain Dew, and I got Orange Crush. We went to see the "Holiday Trains" display and watched all the little electric trains decorated for Christmas (imagine Brady's reaction if he sees that ). They had micro cameras on the trains so we could look at a flatscreen TV and see a first person view, like we were sitting on top of the trains. Dad is no longer watching me type. Ryan replaced him and seems interested right now. Next to the train section they had two other LEGO displays set up. There was a city ( very realistic ) with an airport, a ToysRus factory, the Fisher theatre, some houses, the Union Railroad Depot, and a farm. There was also a multi-colored castle with a electric train that you could actually control.
Next, we went to the race car section and looked at all the old race cars. There was also even one of the only six Bugatti Royales in the world there. We saw a short movie that was about twenty minutes long called Driving America where they talk about cars and the modernity of cars.
The museum was about to close, so we left. We had a great day, and Ryan too seems to have lost interest in my blog.
Thank you so much Cavan for being today's guest blogger. It has been a pleasure having you write today. I love your blog! Breakfast was more important to Ryan, but I am sure he will read the rest of it.
Yo dudes! Cavan here. Yesterday Ryan, Papa and me went to the Henry Ford museum. Outside we saw giant posters of some new IMAX movies. When we got inside, an employee asked if we wanted to see the current movie about to play called the Rocky Mountain Express. He took us straight to the front of the ticket line and got us tickets immediately. Then we went up the elevator, the quick way we had never gone. He got us to the forty-five minute movie just as it was starting.
Afterwards, we went to the LEGO Architecture display and looked at all the giant models of the coolest buildings in the world. The model of the tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa, was seventeen feet tall, made out of about 450,000 bricks. We went to the free build section and built a cool black pyramid. Dad is watching me type right now. After the LEGO display, we went to the cafe and got some muffins and pop. Papa got some coffee and shared his banana muffin with me. Ryan got Mountain Dew, and I got Orange Crush. We went to see the "Holiday Trains" display and watched all the little electric trains decorated for Christmas (imagine Brady's reaction if he sees that ). They had micro cameras on the trains so we could look at a flatscreen TV and see a first person view, like we were sitting on top of the trains. Dad is no longer watching me type. Ryan replaced him and seems interested right now. Next to the train section they had two other LEGO displays set up. There was a city ( very realistic ) with an airport, a ToysRus factory, the Fisher theatre, some houses, the Union Railroad Depot, and a farm. There was also a multi-colored castle with a electric train that you could actually control.
Next, we went to the race car section and looked at all the old race cars. There was also even one of the only six Bugatti Royales in the world there. We saw a short movie that was about twenty minutes long called Driving America where they talk about cars and the modernity of cars.
The museum was about to close, so we left. We had a great day, and Ryan too seems to have lost interest in my blog.
Thank you so much Cavan for being today's guest blogger. It has been a pleasure having you write today. I love your blog! Breakfast was more important to Ryan, but I am sure he will read the rest of it.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Can You Teach An Old Dog Old Tricks?
Two years ago Kristen and I got new sewing machines. They were Christmas presents. We opened hers and read the directions and got it threaded and did some practice sewing and......that is it....until Kristen went to a women's retreat this fall and took a sewing class and made some beautiful bags.
Oh dear, Ryan and Cavan are looking over my shoulder proof-reading.
Back to my story: Kristen is here this weekend and we got my sewing machine out. I found an easy doll dress pattern and got to sewing. After a broken needle (you can't sew over the pins) and a re-threading (after threading it wrong) I got to finally sew the dress. I am not happy with the way it turned out, but Riley is okay with it. Practice makes perfect do you think?
I haven't sewn in twenty years. In days gone by, I sewed all the time. I made clothes, little stuffed dolls, and men's ties. I feel all thumbs now and my goal is to make doll clothes for the girls, and most of all, I would love to make a quilt.
Since Cavan is still looking at this while I write (Ryan lost interest), I will probably make some PJ's for Cavan :) Cavan drew me and papa a very nice picture and made papa a leather belt at camp for his birthday. Oops, Ryan is back and so is Joy Boy. JB wants pants for his Noni (his teddy bear). Does Ryan want PJ's? We will see (oops, no he doesn't think so).
So the sewing all boils down to "stick-to-it-ness."
Can I persevere and get some of my sewing skills back?
Oh dear, Ryan and Cavan are looking over my shoulder proof-reading.
Back to my story: Kristen is here this weekend and we got my sewing machine out. I found an easy doll dress pattern and got to sewing. After a broken needle (you can't sew over the pins) and a re-threading (after threading it wrong) I got to finally sew the dress. I am not happy with the way it turned out, but Riley is okay with it. Practice makes perfect do you think?
I haven't sewn in twenty years. In days gone by, I sewed all the time. I made clothes, little stuffed dolls, and men's ties. I feel all thumbs now and my goal is to make doll clothes for the girls, and most of all, I would love to make a quilt.
Since Cavan is still looking at this while I write (Ryan lost interest), I will probably make some PJ's for Cavan :) Cavan drew me and papa a very nice picture and made papa a leather belt at camp for his birthday. Oops, Ryan is back and so is Joy Boy. JB wants pants for his Noni (his teddy bear). Does Ryan want PJ's? We will see (oops, no he doesn't think so).
So the sewing all boils down to "stick-to-it-ness."
Can I persevere and get some of my sewing skills back?
Friday, November 23, 2012
The Day After
Well, here we are and it's the day after Thanksgiving. Our tummies are full and we enjoyed a traditional feast. We went to Kevin and Audrey's new house and the Chicago family (Ryan says "the Chicago family?") I am thinking he wants to be called something else like the Baker family? Ah yes, he is shaking his head in agreement.
Audrey had the table all set with her beautiful china and crystal and the meal was great. I know you always feel that way when someone else cooks the meal, but this was really good.
The kids played outside before and after dinner; it was 60 degrees yesterday and it was a beautiful day.
Oldest grandson Ryan takes charge of little Joy Boy and I gave him some babysitting money for the whole weekend. Then I enlisted Cavan to help out and paid him.
We worked on taking family pictures and Audrey used the timer on her camera. We also took individual family pictures. We were outside and they are casual which I like. The two youngest, Amelia Bedelia and Joy Boy, just couldn't be still. Maddie was being silly and Joy Boy also had some sticks that he kept sticking in front of his mom. We did the best we could and after Audrey sends me the pictures, I will pick the best of the lot. Kristen took one which I am putting on here-it is really good except.....I have MY EYES CLOSED. ME!! Yes, the one who wanted the pictures taken.
After dessert and listening to the kids run around upstairs playing hide-and-go-seek and screaming when they were found, we left for home. Joy Boy was enthralled by a plastic bow and arrow that ended up with one arrow broken and Amelia crying. I think JB would like one for Christmas.
Ryan is sitting next to me proof-reading and editing as I go along. Kristen and I went swimming this morning and hopefully burned off a few calories. We are going to have a sewing lesson today because Kristen now knows how to use our new sewing machines. She made me, Karen and Audrey beautiful bags for Christmas. The Baker family will not be here for Christmas :( We will be going there for New Years.
There are so many things to be thankful for, but there are seven things I am really thankful for: Ryan, Cavan, Megan, Riley, Maddie, Amelia, and last but NOT least, Brady. Somehow Ryan knew I was going to write that.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Way Back When-sday
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays right after the Fourth of July. There are so many memories from when I was a child and as I grew up, got married and had my own children. The picture on the top is my mom and dad's first Thanksgiving after they got married. They were living with my grandma and grandpa then. I have looked at this picture many times and never noticed my other grandfather sitting on the far left. This is my mom's dad and we called him Pe'pe'. His family originated from Quebec and settled in Massachusetts. He was quite a character and died when I was about 15. He smoked cigars and I can still remember the smell of them. He had a bean-bag ashtray. I know my mom didn't like it, but she let him do it anyway. He loved to sing (at the top of his voice) and I am trying to remember the song he always sang. I'll bet my dad remembers; he remembers things like that.
Unfortunately, the last Thanksgiving for my mom was just before she got sick and eventually died. The picture has wonderful memories now-I used to have trouble looking at it. About a week later she started to get short of breath and got sicker and sicker. For some reason I took this picture of her with her Rosemary depression glass dishes that she gave to me.
More memories tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Homemade Christmas
Every year, I start thinking about dragging my Christmas stuff all out and then.....putting it all away again. This year I have decided to use minimal decorations and not drag anything out except the lights for the tree.
I am cleverly using a few things from the dollar store and then making the rest. I am making ornaments for the tree; just started making those paper chains we used to make as kids. I am using up some of my scrapbook paper. I am making cut-out ornaments with birds and flowers from scrapbook paper for the tree. Maybe I can get a few "grands" to help this weekend. Chicago is coming tomorrow and Livonia will be here and we will be going to Macomb on Thanksgiving; all seven together at one time...Can't wait.
For the rest of the decorating, I will cut some fresh greens and Holly and put them in some vases and add some pine cones and rose hips to add to the "Christmas flavor." It is a fun easy thing for me to work on without getting out 10-12 boxes of stuff. Add a few candles and voila'! I just can't face the boxes-no siree!
I have been on Pinterest looking at homemade gifts. Who got me interested in Pinterest anyway....Karen??? Kristen???? One can wile away a lot of time there. But I love it.
Anyway I am accomplishing two tasks: using up scrapbook stuff and decorating. Oh, and satisfying my creative side which has come back after a long time away. Now if someone could just buy all the presents...I will be all set.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Back In The Saddle Again
My Bff and I used to play Roy Rogers and Dale Evans in an empty field by her house. I don't remember the details but I think it is funny as I remember it.
After almost 3 weeks away from swimming, I went with Donaldo this morning. My poor fins were almost dried out. I loved seeing everyone again and I love water exercise. It is much better than the treadmill.
One woman mentioned how much she loved "Black Friday." I detest Black Friday; I don't even like the name. And it seems the stores are going to be ready before Friday. I went to The Dollar Store yesterday and they are going to be OPEN on Thanksgiving. It's a travesty I say! There are all kinds of PRE-Thanksgiving sales. My mailbox is FULL of catalogs every day. There is:
*Lillian Vernon
*Vermont Country Store
*Lang calendars and note cards
*Hickory Farms
*BB and B (Bed Bath and Beyond) Beyond what?
*Toys to Grow on
*American Girl-of course this is the one I NEED
*The Republic of Tea (I do order things from here)
*Penzey spices (also a "must need" for the chef)
*Fisher Price
*Bits and Pieces
*Gaither Collection
*LL Bean (also a must have)
*Lands End (ditto)
I am sure there will be more. I do order a lot on line for Christmas but some of these I have never seen and some of course are not new to me. So I leave Black Friday alone and settle myself down with a pumpkin steamer and order on-line from one of my many catalogs.
After almost 3 weeks away from swimming, I went with Donaldo this morning. My poor fins were almost dried out. I loved seeing everyone again and I love water exercise. It is much better than the treadmill.
One woman mentioned how much she loved "Black Friday." I detest Black Friday; I don't even like the name. And it seems the stores are going to be ready before Friday. I went to The Dollar Store yesterday and they are going to be OPEN on Thanksgiving. It's a travesty I say! There are all kinds of PRE-Thanksgiving sales. My mailbox is FULL of catalogs every day. There is:
*Lillian Vernon
*Vermont Country Store
*Lang calendars and note cards
*Hickory Farms
*BB and B (Bed Bath and Beyond) Beyond what?
*Toys to Grow on
*American Girl-of course this is the one I NEED
*The Republic of Tea (I do order things from here)
*Penzey spices (also a "must need" for the chef)
*Fisher Price
*Bits and Pieces
*Gaither Collection
*LL Bean (also a must have)
*Lands End (ditto)
I am sure there will be more. I do order a lot on line for Christmas but some of these I have never seen and some of course are not new to me. So I leave Black Friday alone and settle myself down with a pumpkin steamer and order on-line from one of my many catalogs.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Sunday's Meditation
From Sarah Young:
"When you are around other people, you tend to cater to their expectations-real or imagined. You feel enslaved to pleasing them, and your awareness of My Presence grows dim. Your efforts to win their approval eventually exhausts you. You offer these people dry crumbs rather than the living water of My Spirit flowing through you. This is not My way for you! Stay in touch with Me, even during your busiest moments. Let My Spirit give you words of grace as you live in the Light of my Peace."
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and you minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7
This means so much to me because I learned that I tend to cater to the needs of so many others and I feel trapped and burned out. I always thought I needed the approval of others and finally all I had to offer them was burned out pieces of myself.
I am learning that I don't need to do that anymore, but I need to focus on God and let His spirit flow through me and speak and act from Him. Then I will be living in the light of His peace.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
A Warm Welcome
The hug from Kelly said it all; "I am so glad to see you!" It was great to sit with Christian friends and discuss the book "The Case For Faith" by Lee Strobel. The chapter we were discussing was on Evolution and we had a great discussion on that subject. How precious it was to sit with Christians again and discuss, pray and fellowship. Honey, Kelly's husband did a great job in leading and I sat back mostly and just tuned in. Then, prayer time came and we were discussing the problems of others and praying for them. And then Kel and Honey both thanked God that Donaldo and I were back with them and asked God to continue to heal me. That meant so much to me. Sometimes there is a stigma with depression or maybe it is imagined because there is no outward injury that others can see. But the heart is broken (as I drew in my journal many times.) It was nice afterwards to gather around their kitchen island and snack and talk. The chef had made some gluten-free brownies (a Hodgkin Mills product) and honestly they were as good as regular brownies. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone better and I thank Kelly and Honey for their warm welcome and prayers.
Today I must dust; I must and not fuss
And clean up as I go, I must, I must (says Dr. Seuss)
The Lord is my shepherd
There is nothing I lack
He fills me and leads me
to pastures of green.
He feeds me,
keeps me,
and protects me....
I am thankful
and listen;
He is the good shepherd.
Today I must dust; I must and not fuss
And clean up as I go, I must, I must (says Dr. Seuss)
The Lord is my shepherd
There is nothing I lack
He fills me and leads me
to pastures of green.
He feeds me,
keeps me,
and protects me....
I am thankful
and listen;
He is the good shepherd.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Graduation Day
In some ways it has been a long three weeks, but I stuck to it and here I am today; my last day. I will miss some of the structure and the classes, but I have learned a lot and I do feel better. The coping techniques is what I will remember the most. That, and the deep breathing that slows everything down-even your racing thoughts which everyone with depression struggles with.
The chef is making me a "graduation day" breakfast of eggs and sausage and tonight I.AM.GOING.TO.SMALL.GROUP!
I bought myself a bracelet with Psalm 16:11 written on it: "You will fill me with joy in your presence." There are three little charms that say "faith, love, and hope." It did not matter if I felt the Lord with me, He was there all the way.
"When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you."
Proverbs 2:10-11
The chef is making me a "graduation day" breakfast of eggs and sausage and tonight I.AM.GOING.TO.SMALL.GROUP!
I bought myself a bracelet with Psalm 16:11 written on it: "You will fill me with joy in your presence." There are three little charms that say "faith, love, and hope." It did not matter if I felt the Lord with me, He was there all the way.
"When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you."
Proverbs 2:10-11
Thursday, November 15, 2012
A person who depressed narrows their world down so much that they are only in contact with a few people. I have Donaldo for sure and my two daughters. They have been the only ones I have been able to talk to about this. They are all my Bff's.
A friend understands you and encourages you even when you are down. And these kind women are always there for me and I thank them with all my heart. Donaldo has been the strong one for me and I can never begin to thank him enough. But he would love me to make dinner one night :) He just ordered some new Penzey spices :)
There are two friends that I need to reconnect with and talk to more and spend some time with. That would be Kelly and Carol. Kelly, tea sounds great. Let's do it soon. Carol, the Bible Study sounds like a great idea. Thank you both for your prayers.
There are so many other people that I would like to get to know better...and that is part of the plan. I have to be a "joiner" not a recluse.
Then I need to spend time with our friends that we went to Scotland with...they are like comfortable clothes (jammy bottoms and and t-shirt). We have so much fun together and laugh a lot. That sounds so nice-to laugh again.
Thank you Carol and Kelly for your comments and encouragement and especially the one about the woman who said "we should use everything we go through for God's glory, the good and the bad. Don't waste your suffering." Wow. I would like to be done wasting my time! I have known all the time that God has a plan and perhaps I could help other women in this same situation. My mind and body and soul belong to the Lord regardless of how I feel. Thank you for your prayers for strength today; that is all I day at a time.
A friend understands you and encourages you even when you are down. And these kind women are always there for me and I thank them with all my heart. Donaldo has been the strong one for me and I can never begin to thank him enough. But he would love me to make dinner one night :) He just ordered some new Penzey spices :)
There are two friends that I need to reconnect with and talk to more and spend some time with. That would be Kelly and Carol. Kelly, tea sounds great. Let's do it soon. Carol, the Bible Study sounds like a great idea. Thank you both for your prayers.
There are so many other people that I would like to get to know better...and that is part of the plan. I have to be a "joiner" not a recluse.
Then I need to spend time with our friends that we went to Scotland with...they are like comfortable clothes (jammy bottoms and and t-shirt). We have so much fun together and laugh a lot. That sounds so nice-to laugh again.
Thank you Carol and Kelly for your comments and encouragement and especially the one about the woman who said "we should use everything we go through for God's glory, the good and the bad. Don't waste your suffering." Wow. I would like to be done wasting my time! I have known all the time that God has a plan and perhaps I could help other women in this same situation. My mind and body and soul belong to the Lord regardless of how I feel. Thank you for your prayers for strength today; that is all I day at a time.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The People That You Meet
The people that come to Day Treatment are hurting so much. At first it overwhelmed me and I thought "who am I to be so depressed?" But I identified with many of their thoughts and feelings. We are together all day for different classes and then there is an hour-and-a-half of "group therapy." This is where we vent and share and others help us with their insight. It is amazing that others have sympathy for others and not for themselves. Somehow we all feel undeserving of having compassion for ourselves.
The new lady on Monday was in a plane crash with her husband who was the pilot of their small plane. He broke some bones and she is paralyzed from the waist down and in a wheelchair. She got depressed a few months later. There is a fire fighter who was injured on the job; had surgery and is in a lot of pain and can't work. His wife left him. There is my friend who has been there longer than I have and she is Bipolar and has been in and out of the hospital for years. She is a victim of parental incest. There are divorces where the husband is controlling and there is a young gal with an eating disorder that thinks she looks awful, and she looks great. And there is the man that got discharged yesterday who's wife died last year and he is lost and the house and finances are a mess and he doesn't know where to start. So much hurt, so many stories. My bipolar friend is an artist and we have prayed together. I have the Lord in my life and I can't imagine going through this depression without Him.
Yesterday we had Music Therapy and we all got to play instruments; chimes, drums, something that sounds like an ocean and it was very relaxing to play these instruments all together. Part of therapy is working on self-esteem which is a big part of depression. Today is another day and I look forward to learning more. This is my life for the next week and after that I have to structure my life with more things to do for me outside of my house. Any ideas?
The new lady on Monday was in a plane crash with her husband who was the pilot of their small plane. He broke some bones and she is paralyzed from the waist down and in a wheelchair. She got depressed a few months later. There is a fire fighter who was injured on the job; had surgery and is in a lot of pain and can't work. His wife left him. There is my friend who has been there longer than I have and she is Bipolar and has been in and out of the hospital for years. She is a victim of parental incest. There are divorces where the husband is controlling and there is a young gal with an eating disorder that thinks she looks awful, and she looks great. And there is the man that got discharged yesterday who's wife died last year and he is lost and the house and finances are a mess and he doesn't know where to start. So much hurt, so many stories. My bipolar friend is an artist and we have prayed together. I have the Lord in my life and I can't imagine going through this depression without Him.
Yesterday we had Music Therapy and we all got to play instruments; chimes, drums, something that sounds like an ocean and it was very relaxing to play these instruments all together. Part of therapy is working on self-esteem which is a big part of depression. Today is another day and I look forward to learning more. This is my life for the next week and after that I have to structure my life with more things to do for me outside of my house. Any ideas?
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Blue Skies
"May the Lord make His face shine on you and give you peace." I am now starting my 3rd week at Outpatient Rehab at St. Joes in Ann Arbor. The end of last week and this weekend was kind of rough. I was supposed to be discharged yesterday, but the doctor wanted me to stay until the end of the week, so we can work on my medication and tweak it. I love the classes they have and the deep breathing ones are my favorite. My goal is to be better for the holidays so I can enjoy them. I am learning how to deal with stress, anxiety and depression as well as seeing my doctor every day. It is a full day and very intense so I am tired when I get home at 3:30. It has been a dark hole that I have been climbing out of, and sometimes the Lord seems far away. But I am still in His word and praying and.......journaling. I think that is a good sign don't you? My hope is to be able to go to small group on Friday and church on Sunday. Please pray that the doctor has found the right combinations of medication.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Joyful Day
I hope my mom was looking down from heaven Sunday to witness Riley obeying the Lord in baptism. She was eager, excited and quoted John 3:16. Pastor Joel said "if you want to know about the Lord, ask this little girl." My mom would have loved it and I wish I could have shared the moment with her. I loved sharing Riley's first time of taking communion and singing "10,000 Reasons" by Matt Redman. It is one of our favorite songs. It was a blessed Sunday.
We have a little motion problem here. We have a video of it all
We have a little motion problem here. We have a video of it all
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